PA/Fallout projects update


Carbon Dated and Proud
I suddenly realized that I hadn't check the various Fallout/post apocalyptic projects lately, so here's a summary:
  • The Fallout Yurop site is down, hopefully it doesn't mean the end of this project.
  • The Roadkill Warriors project has sprung to life again, after quite a few months of silence:<blockquote>DAMN! It's almost more than 4 months since last webupdate, very very very sorry about that!

    We hope you folks havent forgotten about RoadKill Warriors! I can understand that many of you may think RKW is dead when checking our forums or IRC channel...quite deserted areas i may admit. But it will hopefully all change when we have reached the first public release (hint...jan31). Sorry folks, previous date was a (typo).

    ...and believe me, that's priority number one for all of us! We are now acquiring help from outside to have a better website, with more updates, activities and frequent updates. So that means our website will change again, but this time it will be dynamic and much easier to update for us. We are also aquiring outside help in the code department and hopefully that will speed up the development. </blockquote>They've also uploaded a bunch of 3D models to look at.
  • The Dead Cities project looks...well dead..
  • The Shattered Oasis project is alive and kicking, evidently they aim to develop it for the Half-Life 2 engine.
  • The Warriors of the apocalypse project looks dead.
  • Desert Law have gotten their own site, russian only for now.
Well that was it, all the others were either dead or some we have already reported on.
Anyone know the status of the Fallout game that is running on Jagged Alliance 2. The site is in Russian, but the game does look promising.
It was down last night, but I've regularly checked their site for news, nada.. Shigor is still active on the ir boards tho, which got hacked.
lilfyffedawg said:
so much death :(. Sigh, should I try and act surprised?

Allow me to add a quote:
Linus Torvalds said:
Nobody should start to undertake a large project. You start with a small _trivial_ project, and you should never expect it to get large. If you do, you'll just overdesign and generally think it is more important than it likely is at that stage. Or worse, you might be scared away by the sheer size of the work you envision.

So start small, and think about the details. Don't think about some big picture and fancy design. If it doesn't solve some fairly immediate need, it's almost certainly over-designed. And don't expect people to jump in and help you. That's not how these things work. You need to get something half-way _useful_ first, and then others will say "hey, that _almost_ works for me", and they'll get involved in the project.

As long as they don't realize just that, not a single mod/fanmade project will reach a 'gold' status (so to speak).
Well, I am doing that, but I'm willing and insane enough to go halfway through it without support and if nobody wants to play it I won't care because I'm making it so I can play it.

Everything else is a bonus in my opinion.
As Linus and ESR claim: every great feature starts because a developer had to scratch a personal itch.
Thats probably the worst request EVER. He should also have requested some PR people ;)

And their forum is down, so there is no fun hanging around the page.
st0lve said:
And their forum is down, so there is no fun hanging around the page.

It just got back up today. Yea, we may only have two members right now (one of which is myself) but that doesn't mean we aren't progressing.
Desert Law

Desert Law have gotten their own site, russian only for now.

English version will be later.
I hope :)
It's realy interesting?

I can tell some about this project :)