Patch Gripe

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Ok, has anybody else had this happen to them? Today i downloaded the new patch to upgrade to version 1.25 (i think thats what it is) and ya know what happened? All of a sudden the game became about 3 times laggier, logging into multiplayer matches became much harder, and all the movies started to skip. Some patch eh? Fixes nothing I have seen so far and breaks some things that were working just fine.
Really? My download helped alot. I can now trade recruits without them losing experience, my vehicles no longer run me over when I arrive back to base, Swift Learner is actually useful now, my lowly PII 300 runs much better with fewer crashes...those are just what I've noticed so far. On the downside, the save items bug in special encounters has been fixed, but oh, well.

I did see in some posts that for multi-player, they supposedly have some major bugs left, but they wanted to get the patch out before some irate customers burned down the office.
The patch messed up my version a lot..I don't see any new changes, and now I experience crashes every time I play! This was a very lame patch.
wow.. now it sounds like I'd rather not install the patch until something proves it will work.. or back up my save files first
I am on a PII 350 and it got MUCH laggier, especially on the late game and now it crashes my computer about half the time when I click on the icon to start it.

On the plus side, I haven't had any crashes while playing the game yet. Barter was definately fixed. Fixed the alarm trap exploit. They changed the Tag skills on at least farsight (melee to outdoorsman), probably alot of the other recruits (you have to start over to see this). Recruits can gain rank (albeit a bit slower than your main). Normal encounters are down to about 1/10 th what they were originally, much more in line with the other FO's. I'm sure theres alot more but that's just what I've seen so far.
My computer is a AMDk6-2 500mhz with 256 RAM and a 64MB video card and its not preforming very well at all with the patch. See the original posting for my gripes with it.
The dev team has said several times that this is a patch orientated at the single player game and that there were three bugs with multiplayer (one involving lag) that they would fix after their vacation next week. Given Dev/QA/Vacation time we can probably expect the next patch and editors no SOONER than three weeks.
One a different note: What ON EARTH did they do to the sound system? Previously I could choose EAX, Directsound 3D as well as the Miles 2D and RAD 3D software 3D sound, plus Dolby sorround (I´m not quite sure if that works on my system, since I have a Soundblaster 128).

But now, I only have Dolby, Miles and RAD available. The first two don´t give any directional sound (not as far as I can tell, anyway, and the third makes gunshots sound incredibly subdued and "unclean", not at all like the crisp "Ratatatata" of the MP5 I´m used to :(
is there any way to bypass the selection screen and force EAX-use?
My game is also acting all screwy after the patch. There does seem to be fewer bugs, but now there's a huge one that randomly crashes the game every 15-30 minutes. Some kind of "page fault error"...
lol. Of course, that doesn't stop me from playing it til 5am. ;-)
I think it now actually reads what would be available to you in the sound card dept. I still have most of the options (including dolby) some of the others that wouldn't have worked with my system anyway aren't there.

As far as the patch goes I run a (PIII, 188ram, voodoo3, soundblaster live) The ending movie was allways chopy so no way of knowing if that's fixed until I get there. everything else seems to be running very smoothly. Faster game play, good sound, smoother events with lots of animation in a scene. seems to be working rather well. the only thing that seems to be screwed up now is some things in the recruitment pool. but nothing to big:)
For me, the patch worked like a dream. AMD T-Bird 800, 256mb ram Sb Live! etc... No laggy behaviour whatsoever. The only thing that I'm wondering is that why on earth didn't they fix the bug that allows me to shoot through walls?!?! Hasn't anybody else experienced this? I can constantly shoot through any walls from the right angle. It's actually pretty annyoing, since for example the raider bosses trigger their conversations even though I'm still outside the house, and my team takes pot shots at raiders they should never see. (And if I put their sentry mode to passive, the raiders will do the same to me). Well, it's not a huge problem, but like I said - a bit annoying.

Second of all, I also lost a lot of options from the Sound menu, but I still have dolby surround etc.. But something ever stranger happened: All the game sounds are completely different now. I hear bullets ricochet, and the sounds for nearly all weapons have changed now (to more annyoing versions, which are louder than the originals). Was that something they inteded to fix? Well, thank gawd they fixed the vehicle sounds.

Let's see now... I think I had something more to say, but I seem to have forgotten about it.

Well, anyone else with these symptoms?

- saboteur

I just applied the new patch. Unfortunately, the game crashed two times in 5 mins. Before I applied the new patch, my game run fine. From the first mission to mission in Junction City, the game crashed one time only. But now, it happened two times in 5 mins, everytime, it crashed when my char talk to the npc.

Anyone know how to remove the new patch?
I have an AMD T-Bird 850 @ 910 (hehe not enough cooling yet), 128meg RAM, SB Live, GeForce 2 GTS and the patch is working like a dream. I use EAX sound and it has imporved with the patch. And the sounds are totally different now. The vehicle sounds have changed thank goodness, but all the guns are different. Louder and more bass in most of em. Who knows what the deal is with the crashes. Patch works good for me :)
The big problem I have with the patch is that sentry modes are all fouled up. Even if you have sentry mode off in CTB, once you shoot someone, your char will keep shooting the same type of shot, untill you either swap weapons or move them away. It sucks for snupers, and when facing multiple opponents. Other than that, does the game seem more difficult now ? It seems like chars die a lot more quickly.
I guess the best thing to do is test the patch out. if you doesn't work better don't use it. I think they did change the sounds and sound system but it sounds better on my machine anyhoo!
Same here, After the Patch my Game crasher every 5 minutes, literally!!! Oh well. Better luck next game.
The patch has done some pretty nasty things to my game.

Earlier, my game crashed on me while I was saving. It totally corrupted/deleted the save file and I had to start the whole level 1 from scratch (I'm replaying the game) because I had only one save file. It's never happened before the patch.

I've only experienced (1) single crash, ever, when I was playing unpatched. The game was pretty much flawless in terms of system stability. After I installed the 1.25 patch, I've crashed about 5 times since I played, all occuring in the first level.

When I was using everything except for the "No 3d Audio" setting, the computer would completely freeze and I'd have to do a cold boot to reload windows. It happened to me to a point that my Slave hard drive went completely berserk and I had to reformat it because the File Allocation Table (FAT) messed up from the cold boots. What a mess.

Now that I'm currently using "No 3d Audio" as my setting, when the game crashes, it gives me the proper error (Invalid Page Fault with MSS32.DLL) instead of freezing.

I'm glad I'm not the only one suffering this problem. I was about to reformat my computer, because I thought it was all screwed up from the freezing. My game of Black & White froze earlier today, too, must have been a coincidence, thank god.

I'm wondering if it's possible to use the pre-patched version of MSS32.dll to overwrite the patched version, so the game works again.
I just installed the patch and then decided I wanted to try a Tough Guy character to see how different it is. If there are too many crashes (and it's starting to look like there are) I will delete the game and re-install without the patch. This is equivalent to hitting myself in the head with a hammer because it'll feel so good when I stop but what the hell, I like the boney crack when I connect and how after a while it turns into a more subtle meaty thud.

And with regards to your complaints about the patch:

It's a patch not some magical downloadable file created by the all powerful game designers with the intent of correcting any mistakes in the original game release. Because as we know, they are infallable.
Well time to give an update on downloading and trying the new unofficial sound patch from freelancer(A website). Anyways it updated the drivers for Miles. From what I can it did reduce the crashes. I still crash every now and then. Mostly when quitting the game...Overall I'd reccommend it.

Still I can't wait for the next Official patch and hope the proggrammers pait attention to the msss322.dll or whatever the name of the file is.
Not being able to fix problems is one thing. Adding serious new ones is something else again.