First time out of the vault

Question 1:
What patches should I download more for Fallout3? I have game plus all expansions. I have downloaded patch 1.7 from official site. Is there more patches available?
Some site recomenned add lines to fallout.ini to restict CPU core usage to 2 because Fallout 3 crashes frequently with 4 cores.
Question 2:
Does game difficulty sets experience points also when you kill enemies. If game is harder you get more XP?
Question 3:
Is there a way to make monster appear more frequently like some dogs/bloatflies and some minor critters? Not those heavily armed monsters like Raiders/Deatclaws/Mirelurkers/Mutants.
Question 4:
I am beginner at this game. My questions is: Where to go first when I get out of Vault 101?
What patches should I download more for Fallout3? I have game plus all expansions. I have downloaded patch 1.7 from official site. Is there more patches available?
Some site recomenned add lines to fallout.ini to restict CPU core usage to 2 because Fallout 3 crashes frequently with 4 cores.
Question 2:
Does game difficulty sets experience points also when you kill enemies. If game is harder you get more XP?
Question 3:
Is there a way to make monster appear more frequently like some dogs/bloatflies and some minor critters? Not those heavily armed monsters like Raiders/Deatclaws/Mirelurkers/Mutants.
Question 4:
I am beginner at this game. My questions is: Where to go first when I get out of Vault 101?