

First time out of the vault
Ok, I am trying to play this game for the umteen billionth time. I have the game installed, but can't seem to remeber where to install the Patch, too much rot gut I guess. If anyone could help in this matter that would be great. Also need to install other mods, but that is a different springer episode.
AceDog26 said:
I have the game installed, but can't seem to remeber where to install the Patch, too much rot gut I guess.

Doesn't the patch exe locate your install directory through the registry?
"No mention of patch"? You have the patch, don't you? If not, click on Files above, you'll find the exe for your version there. In case it asks you for a directory, I'm sure you need only specify the game's main folder, typically something like /Program Files/Black Isle/Fallout2.

Ok, I checked the patch that I had and it was corrupt, so I dl'd a new one from this site, and it is working fine, V1.02 right... Now if I wanted to install/add a mod where does it go? Btw, thanks for all the help...
Re: Ahhh....

AceDog26 said:
Now if I wanted to install/add a mod where does it go?

Would depend on the mod, hopefully they come with instructions. If you need help with a specific mod, try asking in the mod forum.
Wow. Somebody actually *properly* posted asking for help in the correct forum.