Patching Fallout in a Wineskin Wrapper


First time out of the vault
I realise that this is not a Wrapper forum. However, given the lack of responses at PortingTeam I thought I'd try here too.

Background: I'm running Fallout 1 v1.2 GSP White Label DVD edition inside a Wineskin wrapper downloaded from PortingTeam here on a Mac mini (2011) running OS X 10.7.4.

Aim: I'd like to patch the game to include the High-Resolution patch, the bug-fix TeamX 1.3.5 patch, and a Direct3D patch. I don't want to use patches that add new content, maps, character abilities etc.


1) The High-Resolution patch 3.0.6 doesn't appear to install correctly. After extracting the patch to the Fallout folder, I've used the following (official) method to install: Open Package Contents on Fallout wrapper; Launch Wineskin app; Choose "Install Windows Software" from subsequent window; Choose "f1_res_patcher.exe"; Hit "OK". At this point Wineskin tells me it's busy, but then instead of asking me whether I want to patch the "falloutw.exe" as it should, it tells me that "no new binaries can be found". That's it. If I launch Fallout at this point there is a new space at the bottom of the menu, but it contains no text and has no button. The following files are present in the Fallout folder:
  • critter.dat
    data (folder)
At this point, I'm out of ideas and would appreciate some help.

2) TeamX ENG 1.3.5 patch has instructions that I'm reluctant to follow, because if I did I'm confident they'd render the game unplayable. The instructions are to:
Copy the compressed patch file into the directory that Fallout is installed to. Decompress the patch. Extract the files using the option to include subdirectories. Answer 'Yes' when prompted to overwrite existing files.
If I did that, then the 3.5MB "DATA" folder that would be produced by the unarchiver would replace the 89.7MB "data" folder already there - surely that can't be right? In addition, the files rooted in the "DATA" folder differ significantly in name from the pre-existing ones in the "data" folder, so I'm reluctant to just move them into place manually. Some help would be appreciated here.

3) The Direct3D patch - well, to be honest I'm not sure I have this yet. I've looked but can't find such a thing for Fallout 1 - all I can find is the High-Resolution patch. Though it's not indicated in the readme, does the HR patch actually also provide a D3D patch? Advice would be welcomed here.

Thanks in advance.