PC cannot read UK Fallout Collection disc


First time out of the vault
My pc: Gateway laptop, Windows XP
My FO: UK Fallout Collection

When I insert the UK Fallout Collection disc into my dvd rom drive, it just hums for a minute and gives up. I cannot manually explore or see contents by any means I'm aware of.

I tried the disc on a friends Vista based PC with similar results.

I am able to install other DVD roms on my laptop, play DVD movies, etc., so I do not believe I have a hardware problem.

When I insert the same disc into my xbox 360 (for the hell of it), it is able to browse the contents (and do useless things like playing the mp3 files for Fallout background music).

It is my understanding that DVD-ROM discs are not region encoded. Am I wrong? If it is Region 2 (UK), why can my U.S. Xbox 360 read it? From what I gather online, a disc with an incorrect region pops up some notification to that effect, and doesn't just silently fail.

Can anyone help?

Many thanks.
I'm having the same issue with my copy of the White Label Fallout Collection disc. My DVD-ROM drive in my desktop works just fine and right now I don't have another coputer to try it on.

My system can more than handle the games, but I can't so much as explore the disc. Any ideas how I should install these games?
Maybe it's a dual-layer DVD and your drive is too old to read it?
I'm finding that may be the issue, the Firmware on my DVD-ROM is really out of date and getting updated Firmware is proving to be a pain. Looks like I may end up putting a newer drive in...