PC Gamer Fallout 3 Reference

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For those of you who haven't read it, in the latest issue of PC Gamer they reference the F3 poster at E3. That's not new, but they also go on to mention that Fallout 3 will use the same engine as Oblivion.

Don't know how they came by this info, but if thats true then won't it be a FPS as opposed to top down?
the search function is your friend.

yes, FO3 will use the same engine as The Empty Scrolls 4: Oblivious. that doesnt mean much though, just that they like bling bling. most graphics engines can be modded to do isometric, so that doesnt say much. however there is no official word on the subject.

There has always been a debate as to the engine that would be used.

I was merely posting that PCGamer has stated it would be the oblivion engine. I don't think it's been stated this clearly before.
Re: Huh?

ExplodesLikeABloodSausage said:
There has always been a debate as to the engine that would be used.
No there hasn't.

I was merely posting that PCGamer has stated it would be the oblivion engine. I don't think it's been stated this clearly before.
Yes it has.

Look, put very simply, the engine has jack shit to do with what kind of gameplay happens. It has some influences on the possibilities of the game, but in this case it is purely about the graphics. And since it's a 3d engine this means absolutely nothing, since the camera could be placed anywhere, including in the original isometric perspective.
Seems there's a lot of tweaking going on though, at least that's what i take from Shadowstrider's words.
Re: Huh?

No there hasn't.

Of course there has. That's a silly thing to say. Everything is up in the air until the developer states it, which they haven't.

Yes it has.

Then tell me where. Show me one reference to the developers specifically stating that the oblivion engine will be used.

The engine matters, so the news that I posted matters. I am not making an opinion about whether it will be good or not, just posting news for everyone who is interested in fallout news (which is almost everyone on this board probably)
Re: Huh?

ExplodesLikeABloodSausage said:
Of course there has. That's a silly thing to say. Everything is up in the air until the developer states it, which they haven't.
Which is why there hasn't been a debate. No-one's debated about what engine they're going to use, only about what type of gameplay, viewpoint, setting and such they're going to use. The engine is of tertiary importance anyway.

Then tell me where. Show me one reference to the developers specifically stating that the oblivion engine will be used.
Also, http://www.nma-fallout.com/content.php?page=fo3-faq , where under engine, Oblivion is discussed as well.

The engine matters, so the news that I posted matters.
Not if it's outdated.
I am not making an opinion about whether it will be good or not, just posting news for everyone who is interested in fallout news (which is almost everyone on this board probably)
Yes, which is why we have the searchable news section, have a news submit function (hint, hint) and lots of comments on the news.

Also, if you're going to use the quote function, do it properly.
Re: Huh?

Not if it's outdated..

It's not outdated, you are just being overly sensitive. The new issue of PCGamer just came out a few days ago making my news new. No one had posted that there was an article in there, so I did. Some people might be interested in that. You've made it quite clear that you are not, but that doesn't mean you need to attack the thread and ruin it for everyone.

Also, if you're going to use the quote function, do it properly.

How's that? I am new to posting here (but not new to fallout), and a longtime lurker, so I am learning as I go.

BTW, those threads you quoted still do not have a dev quote in them stating which engine is going to be used, just rumours. Therefore until someone states it categorically, it remains news.
Re: Huh?

ExplodesLikeABloodSausage said:
It's not outdated, you are just being overly sensitive. The new issue of PCGamer just came out a few days ago making my news new. No one had posted that there was an article in there, so I did. Some people might be interested in that. You've made it quite clear that you are not, but that doesn't mean you need to attack the thread and ruin it for everyone.
Oh, for fuck's sake. Are you going to post every article that states that Van Buren has been cancelled as well?
Look, thanks for sharing, but this is not news. News is defined as something that was unknown until now, and is furthermore interesting and relevant to the subject. This is not new at all. Some magazine says that they're going to use the Oblivion engine, which is something we've known now for almost 2 years.

Also, I ruined what for who? Your post hasn't been deleted, so anytone who would want to could still read this. And there hasn't been any kind of debate about this over the past year, so I'm not ruining anything on that side either.
BTW, those threads you quoted still do not have a dev quote in them stating which engine is going to be used, just rumours. Therefore until someone states it categorically, it remains news.
No it doesn't. Since the article you quoted didn't have any kind of dev quote either, it just had a statement. Which is exactly what the pages I linked to had as well.

KQX: Good point, linkified.
Also, why did you post that, Stag? It is completely off-topic here.
Re: Huh?

Oh, for fuck's sake. Are you going to post every article that states that Van Buren has been cancelled as well?

No, and your argument is way out in left field. The fact is that this is a message board, and if some information comes out, like an article in a magazine, it is interesting for some people to hear about that. So I shared what I heard. Not about a cancelled product from years ago, but about an upcoming interesting product.

Look, thanks for sharing

Your welcome!

, but this is not news. News is defined as something that was unknown until now, and is furthermore interesting and relevant to the subject. This is not new at all. Some magazine says that they're going to use the Oblivion engine, which is something we've known now for almost 2 years.

Of course its news. Its news that a magazine is referring to our beloved Fallout. You don't get to decide what is news and what isn't, the people decide that. You can ban it from the forums (I presume), but that doesn't make it not news, it just means YOU don't think its news.

Also, I ruined what for who? Your post hasn't been deleted, so anytone who would want to could still read this. And there hasn't been any kind of debate about this over the past year, so I'm not ruining anything on that side either.

This post could have been interesting to some people (not you, but others), and it gets ruined when you stick your incorrect comments in because people don't like to read through all this crap to get to the interesting part. Therefore some people will be turned off from it and hence it is "ruined". Perhaps ruined is a little strong of a word, but you have definitely made my post get buried by all this side garbage.

No it doesn't. Since the article you quoted didn't have any kind of dev quote either, it just had a statement. Which is exactly what the pages I linked to had as well.

I never claimed my article was the "truth". The point of my post was that an article was new, referred to Fallout, and may interest some people. You are the one who claimed that the Oblivion engine has been guaranteed known for years, not me.
Re: Huh?

ExplodesLikeABloodSausage said:
No, and your argument is way out in left field. The fact is that this is a message board, and if some information comes out, like an article in a magazine, it is interesting for some people to hear about that. So I shared what I heard. Not about a cancelled product from years ago, but about an upcoming interesting product.
For the last time: only if that information is *new*. If information isn't new, it isn't interesting. That's all there is to it. Really.

Also, just because this is a message board doesn't mean you get to post anything you want.

Of course its news. Its news that a magazine is referring to our beloved Fallout. You don't get to decide what is news and what isn't, the people decide that. You can ban it from the forums (I presume), but that doesn't make it not news, it just means YOU don't think its news.
The fact that PCGamer made mention of Fallout could be news, yes. The fact that Fallout 3 is going to run on the Oblivion engine isn't news, since this has been known for a long time already.
Jeez, I seem to be repeating myself. News is defined as new information. This information is not new. Hence it is not news.
Clear enough?

This post could have been interesting to some people (not you, but others), and it gets ruined when you stick your incorrect comments in because people don't like to read through all this crap to get to the interesting part. Therefore some people will be turned off from it and hence it is "ruined". Perhaps ruined is a little strong of a word, but you have definitely made my post get buried by all this side garbage.
People read from the top to the bottom. There is no other information you consider useful in this entire topic except in your first post. People read that first. How can my posts, that are further down, stop them from reading that bit?

I never claimed my article was the "truth". The point of my post was that an article was new, referred to Fallout, and may interest some people. You are the one who claimed that the Oblivion engine has been guaranteed known for years, not me.
You're the one who claimed 'the engine matters, so the news that I posted matters', which means that you consider the most relevant bit of the 'news' you posted the fact that they're going to use the Oblivion engine.

Also, I never claimed that PCGamer having an article isn't news, I claimed that Fallout 3 using the Oblivion engine isn't news.

Also, I don't know why I haven't seen this before, but this belongs in the Fallout 3 forum. So, moving.
Re: Huh?

Too much quoting, its making me tired LOL.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree because you don't seem to be hearing what I'm saying at all.

This thread has been trashed by this crap now anyway so you may as well shut it down.

I give you credit for not booting me, but I still think you jumped on this thread unneccesarily. Maybe you were having a bad day or something, but I noticed some of the admins here are waaaaay to quick to jump on people who want to ask something. It does not promote healthy discussion, I'll tell you that now.

Anyhow, been a pleasure. I'm sure we'll talk again the next time I post LOL
Re: Huh?

ExplodesLikeABloodSausage said:
Too much quoting, its making me tired LOL.

Everyone's against you, aren't they LOL.

ExplodesLikeABloodSausage said:
This thread has been trashed by this crap now anyway so you may as well shut it down.

And we will LOL.
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