[PC] So...Where Are My Melee Specials?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Were they a console-only thing? Or are the hold-down-left-click charged up attacks the PC version?

I haven't seen any in-VATS special with melee or unarmed weapons :/
What is your melee/unarmed skill? I heard that you need to have the skill of 50 to do the special attacks.
Oerjeke said:
What is your melee/unarmed skill? I heard that you need to have the skill of 50 to do the special attacks.
I figured as much. Not quite there yet since leveling is really slow compared to FO3, although this may be because I'm exploring and scavenging like a mad man and worrying about HC mode's survival needs. All of these things make every single skill point you spend and perk you choose even more important early game.

I also regret pumping up Guns just because I started with the Sturdy Caravan Shotty and, at first, couldn't find any energy or unarmed weapons worth a damn. I just had to be a bit more patient :(
So my melee is 60, lvl7 and I'm still not getting any specials. I have this strange feeling that there's more to getting them. Someone just taught me an unarmed special strike, maybe that's how it works for ALL melee??
I've learned a special melee attack from a ranger, which knocks out enemies, if you do it right. It's really cool, especially for melee characters and it works outside of vats.
You can also learn one unarmed move from a Ceasars Legionarie. It requires the unarmed skill of 50, however.
Confirmed. I leveled my Unarmed to 50 yesterday and, with 8 Strength and my Bladed Gauntlet and Brass Knuckles, was able to perform fairly low-AP costing Uppercut attacks (6 Agility, was able to queue up three in a row whereas with most guns I can only queue two attacks).

@Ausdoerrt - what weapon were you using, what Strength and skill requirements does it have, and what Strength did you have?

Also, spoiler tags please :/
I've learned a special melee attack from a ranger, which knocks out enemies, if you do it right. It's really cool, especially for melee characters and it works outside of vats.

That's the one I was referring to, but that's Unarmed if I understood correctly.

@Ausdoerrt - what weapon were you using, what Strength and skill requirements does it have, and what Strength did you have?

I've used lead pipe, combat knife, other things as well. STR is 7, AGI 10. Melee 90 right now. I'm not getting anything beyond regular attacks on melee in VATS. I can do the (fairly useless) "hold down LMB" special attack real-time, but nothing in VATS like what's been shown in previews.
OK, for those still looking - the "special" shows up in VATS by pressing "R".

Dammit the crappy PC interface from FO3 is still ticking me off.
STR - 10
Meele - 85
Game - Hard+Hardcore

My character is a raging, canibalistic Lord Of Death (got this perk for killing people, also got a perk for eating corpses). I'm having too much fun swinging my concrete maul around (which i acuired from some nightkins). The special "roundswing" attack is a real joy to observe, especially since i crush most of the weaker foes (such as raiders) in one swing :violent: :falloutonline: .

Didn't really think that meele could be so much fun :clap: .
Not as much as swinging a machete around. My asian Manchu man likes sharp things. I think I may ditch the follower though, him sniping away at targets before I even get to anyone takes away from the joy of beating stuff up.

But yeah, it's way better than in FO3. Now, if someone could mod melee targeting in.
Ausdoerrt said:
But yeah, it's way better than in FO3. Now, if someone could mod melee targeting in.
This, plus different special attacks from different body parts.

I don't mind a head or even torso Uppercut from my unarmed attacks, but if I am Uppercutting arms and legs I will /facepalm. I'd rather have like those punches that martial artists use to smash someone's knee and elbow joints, crippling their ability to kick/run and punch/block/hold weapons respectively.