Perfect Connection


First time out of the vault
[Sorry if this is not connected with the topic...]
I have one idea (probably nothing amazing but...) It would be a perfect game, a perfect fallout, something even better than fallout 3 I connect graphic from Fallout Tactics with gameplay from Fallout1/2(all the rpg stuff:multiple dialog options, different solutions to quest, npc reactions dependable on our actions) [[ we could add even some nasty features from games like BG or BG2 ]]. it possible? technically ? With all that source codes, engines, and all that programmers stuff? :idea:
1. Please think about adding some stanzas to your post. ATM it's almost unreadable.

s33ker said:
... to connect graphic from Fallout Tactics with gameplay from Fallout1/2
No that wouldn't be awesome but would prolly simply just suck. The FO:T gfx don't match the Fallout atmosphere so I don't see any advantage of bringing them into more Fallout-like games.

s33ker said: it possible? technically ?
The anwser is: YES; at least if you just want to bring the FO:T gfx into the Fallout 2 engine (Fallout 1 engine would be nonsense). You can extract the FO:T gfx with the tools that can be found in the download section here. Convert them to bmp (tool in download section) and use bmp2frm (can be found in the download section too) to convert them into the Fallout 1/2 gfx format.

Caution: this will just work for critters and objects. The FO:T tiles got a different shape compared to Fallout and won't work for this reason with the Fallout 2 engine. You could try to convert them to the Fallout shape but I bet that this will look like shit.

s33ker said:
With all that source codes, engines, and all that programmers stuff? :idea:
Fallout's sourcecode has never been released and prolly never will be. There is ATM just one open source Fallout engine in active development (ianout has silently closed its gates it seems): FIFE.

I need to say that I'm biased in this case because I'm the FIFE project manager. So you prolly want to hear the opinions of a few other guys.

FIFE offers support for native Fallout 1/2 maps, sounds & gfx. So you could convert the FO:T tiles into PNG files and use them with FIFE. FIFE got no problem to support the FO:T tile shape but you can't mix Fallout 1/2 tiles with FO:T tiles. The native file format of FO:T aren't supported with FIFE and we don't plan to introduce any kind of FO:T support.

Here is a screenshot of FIFE (using a Fallout 2 map, click for the fullscreen version):
s33ker said:
It would be a perfect game, a perfect fallout, something even better than fallout 3 I connect graphic from Fallout Tactics with gameplay from Fallout1/2(all the rpg stuff:multiple dialog options, different solutions to quest, npc reactions dependable on our actions) [[ we could add even some nasty features from games like BG or BG2 ]].

Hey, I just had an even better idea. What if we added in all the stuff that made System Shock 2 good... Civilization... Spore!!! And use the graphics from Master of Orion 2 and Frogger!!!! Would it be possible!!!! With unlimited resources!!!!!!! Teh ultimate geim!
Sorrow said:
FoT graphics sucks. They are wet and underdetailed.

Ummm, the better quality of art was possibly one of Tactics only redeeming features. To imply they are underdetailed would then imply that FO1's graphics (which are of a much smaller resoultion) are almost void of any thing. In the first two games stuff was only hinted at because of the limitation of 640x480. Tactics was much more detailed and if anything, the graphics were major improvement from FO1.

However, whilst they had the basics of an astheticly pretty atmosphere - the art work was wrong in so many respects that it wasn't so much FO anymore.

Get your terms right.
well if you want the FOT critters in FO2 just download them from NMA I coverted most of them ages ago. The baby deathclaw makes a really nice mutant monkey for a zoo (the adult deathclaw reminds me of bugs bunny).

Some of the FOT critters are nice, like the environmental armour and cockroach for example, a lot of them are not that nice but I converted them anyway.

If you want Baldurs Gate content then I'm sure I converted a couple of giant spiders, cant remeber if I uploaded them or or just sent them to corpse and dude_obj.

The turrets were also nice from FOT.

Either way I've pretty much done my dash with modding FO2, the engine is a real pain in the neck. Maybe one day a opensource isometric engine will come along...

FIFE anyone!

barra, sorry I went AWOL from helping make that art for FIFE, had a lot of stuff goin on in real life for the last 6 months (too busy...)