Post any ideas you have for new perks here. Also any perks you think should be changed/thrown out.
Also include a approx. level you could get it at.
Fast Reload
Lvl 9
This allows you to only use 1 ap for reloading. For thing like the magnum speed load... perhaps make it cost 0 ap to reload?
Double Hander
Lvl 15
This allows you to use 2 weopons at once. The overall accuracy is lowered by 1/4 of the normal skill. Also only 2 of the same weopons can be used (small guns, energy or big guns).
Electronic Lockpicking
Lvl 6
This allows you to pick electronic locks without using electronic lockpicks. This also increases lockpick by 20%
Lvl 6
This gives you 20 skill points to use right now, and adds +2 skill points per level after taking this. This may be taken up to 4 times.
Im trying to think of more non-combat onces, as there are very little non-combat ones that are actually usefull (my favourite is probablly empathy out of them).
Also include a approx. level you could get it at.
Fast Reload
Lvl 9
This allows you to only use 1 ap for reloading. For thing like the magnum speed load... perhaps make it cost 0 ap to reload?
Double Hander
Lvl 15
This allows you to use 2 weopons at once. The overall accuracy is lowered by 1/4 of the normal skill. Also only 2 of the same weopons can be used (small guns, energy or big guns).
Electronic Lockpicking
Lvl 6
This allows you to pick electronic locks without using electronic lockpicks. This also increases lockpick by 20%
Lvl 6
This gives you 20 skill points to use right now, and adds +2 skill points per level after taking this. This may be taken up to 4 times.
Im trying to think of more non-combat onces, as there are very little non-combat ones that are actually usefull (my favourite is probablly empathy out of them).