Pete answers..well...


Carbon Dated and Proud
Good old Pete 'Dodge' Hines Bethesda's PR honcho person decided to answer my hail regarding the latest issues with Titus and IPLY, I asked him what this meant for Bethesda and Fallout 3:<blockquote>We are developing Fallout 3 and when we have information on the game and what we're up to, we'll let folks know. Beyond that, we don't comment publicly on the details of our contracts or agreements with other companies.</blockquote>So I'm guessing they aren't affected by IPLY getting liquidated (or not).
It must be a cool job being a spin doctor some days, otherdays it must suck being maruded be game fans :lol:
I'd rather he ddodge the questions than release contradictory information like in the past.

I assume that if (and when) IPLY goes belly up they'll be forced to sell off assets, including licenses. Perhaps Beth will up and buy the franchise outright?

/wild speculation
I hope Troika manages to grab the franchise.

If Bethesda owned it............. id be really scared.
if IPLY goes belly up, Beth still holds the rights for the next 3 FO sequels. the license for all the rest can be bought by the highest bidder.
I wonder when Pete is going to enter politics, I'll vote for him, I don't know why, but I get the feeling I end up doing so.
Pete said:
We are developing Fallout 3
Does this "we are developing Fallout 3" bit mean "we are the ones who will be developing Fallout 3" or "we are developing Fallout 3 as we speak"? Because if it's the latter, I suggest we flood their forums and remind them about all the features Fallout 3 must have.
I'd rather see Troika doing it than Beth, since they have atleast got some good RPGs and even an engiene that they can use (the tech demo).
i think i would dodge you guyz, no offense really, but considering the amount of knowledge you guyz have on the world, they'd be too many contredictions to ever start developing such a game.

so keeping things quiet would be a good thing for development in a community such as this.

not good for us....but good for them, if they want to ever release it.
"The amount of knowledge we have on the world"? I'd say you were trolling, if you were comprehensible.
Per said:
"The amount of knowledge we have on the world"? I'd say you were trolling, if you were comprehensible.

He`s refering to the Fallout game world, not trolling. Still his advice doesn`t make sense, they should start to worry with the coherence of the gameworld and a sequel aproach to the setting since the start, if not they would really get into trouble.
Briosafreak said:
He`s refering to the Fallout game world, not trolling.

Ah, my mistake. Well, I hope Bethesda has a few designers memorizing every word in the Bible as we speak...
Ah, I'm new to this forum, but I'm a big fan of Fallout world and I've played through all Fallout games (multiple times) and am looking forward to be playing F3 one day.

This news'll be giving me another ray of light (in themidst of many, no i'm not suicidal) in my schooldays and an inspiration to draw on when I think of what to paint or draw. HAHA, We're looking forward to Fallout 3 here people ! superb ! :twisted:
It's been more than a year, two-three years that I actually checked a forum about that game, I believe I'll be checking back a lot more often now.. *drool*