Good old Pete Hines (PR) of Bethesda dropped by our forums to explain the recent computer magazine snibblets about Fallout 3, here's what the man said:<blockquote>No, like I said, there are no devs for Fallout 3. Todd is the executive producer for both Oblivion and Fallout 3. Knowing who it is that will be in charge of the project is a bit different than having developers on the team to talk about things they've decided to do, or not to do. Again, those people still don't exist.
The stuff hitting the magazines now was all done at the same time as the online interviews that appeared back when we announced we obtained the rights to Fallout 3, except for the Game Informer bit, which was done a few weeks afterwards.</blockquote>Well that explains somethings.. Thanks Pete.
The stuff hitting the magazines now was all done at the same time as the online interviews that appeared back when we announced we obtained the rights to Fallout 3, except for the Game Informer bit, which was done a few weeks afterwards.</blockquote>Well that explains somethings.. Thanks Pete.