Petition For Bethesda To Make A Proper Role Playing Game


First time out of the vault
I have started a petition about F3. If you agree with us, please participate in our effort.

We are deeply disappointed by your statements about Fallout 3. We, Fallout fans, are worried about the prospect of Bethesda turning our beloved franchise into a simple - which you call user friendly - action game. Rather than building up the heritage, you are using the same pattern you have used in your previous works, which lacked most of the role playing issues and focused on killing. Falllout is not a hack&slash game, and we don't want it to be. That kind of games literally have nothing new to add to the role playing community. We need Fallout, but not any shooter/rpg taking place in the wasteland. Hear our voice before it's too late.

Thank you...
Sorry buddy, but I searched the forum and didn't find any petition about this. Could you give a link? ?
no need to apologize, not sure it was on the forum before, but i've seen a few of these pass by in the IRC channels etc. they really don't ammount to anything. Bethesda doesn't care about a few votes, not even a few thousand votes.
I know, they don't care about anything, maybe some game reviews only. But it's better than nothing I guess. I wanted to say something instead of sitting and bubling.