Phase: Exodus at RPG Vault


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
In an article by RPG Vault that goes over RPG in development in the former U.S.S.R., the Post-Apocalyptic RPG Phase: Exodus was mentioned.<blockquote>A post-apocalyptic RPG that begins in the year 2062, nearly half a century after a cataclysm destroyed civilization, Phase Exodus involves the inhabitants of an area near Lake Baikal in Siberia where the communities jealously eye each other's resources. It's said to have a selection of four player characters that advance via the proprietary Advanced Post-Apocalypse Role-Play System and a potentially innovative gameplay element called a quest matrix.</blockquote>Though if the game will be released outside of Russia is still a question.

Link: Second page of 'Parting the Iron Curtain' at RPG Vault.
Spotted at RPGDot.
For anyone who doesn't feel like digging up the link themselves:

Aside from the bad translation...

Woo-Woos said:
"When Earth orbit's form digresses from the ideal circle for more than 1 percent, the gravitation influence upon it increases, drawing the entire planet and its massive ice mountains too. Its great weight presses down the earth's crust, and this pressure in combination with increased tilt of the equator axis makes the crust move..."

What I got from this:

" When the Earth's orbit degrades from an ideal circle by more than one percent, the gravitational pull of the Sun increases upon it; drawing the entire planet and its massive ice sheets in closer. The great weight of the ice sheets on the Earth's crust , in combination with an increase axial tilt, makes the crust slide..."

Which even translated from Engrish is complete and utter crap along with it being Bad Astronomy.

If I read it right it's saying:

1. The Earth's orbit was a perfect circle to begin with, which it is definitely not. It's elliptical.

2. The Earth's orbital path will degrade but gives no reason for such a thing happening. If anything, the Earth's orbit will simply become more of a perfect circle as it settles down over time. Unless, of course, you believe in Planet X swooping in from behind and fucking as all over.

3. The Earth's axis will somehow tilt because of all of this. God only knows why.

4. The Earth's crust will somehow slip a (I'm assuming) considerable amount and screw us over even more. Again, probably attributable to Planet X.

5. If the Earth's orbit is degrading then it will get hotter here and NOT form ice sheets or mountains or whatever.

6. *rambling about ice mountains followed by gun fire* While it is true that large amounts of ice compress the crust underneath... What does this have to do with making the crust move?

7. If you substitute "deviates" instead of "degrades" then you just have more of the same problems above but you can have your ice mountains at some parts of the orbit and we'd all just die in all probability.

This is of course if I'm not misreading the Engrish but even if I am... It doesn't look good. :evil: - Colt
This game looked interesting when I first heard about it but now I'm not too sure. There isn't a lot of info though so I guess it's wait and see what the next few updates hold and hope for the best. Just because there aren't enough PA games around anymore doesn't mean they can crap in a jewel case and sell it to us as a good game.

Off topic, it is possible to cause a wobble of the rotation axis if enough of the earth's water were locked into a single location. Hell, we've altered the rotation time just by pulling water up closer to the poles in resevoirs (by a very miniscule amout mind you). Still, most of what Colt pointed out is true.

You also have The Fall sometime ahead (at least the English version).

The screenshots of Phase: Exodus worry me somewhat. Who knows, may be from early on in production. I'm not particularly excited about this game, for a number of reasons. Still, perhaps it has the capacity to surprise us.