Photos of the Fallout Intro


It Wandered In From the Wastes

Can anyone identify these images?

1.) Reichstag Building 1945

2.) ?

3.) ?

4.) Pearl Harbor

5.) Propaganda Poster or Original Artwork?

6.) Manhattan Project

7.) Where did this bomb explode?

8.) ?

I would appreciate title of photo, where to find it and also the photographer's name if possible.
1) Reichtag, Berlin Germany 1945
2) Remagen Bridge, Germany 1945
3) St Paul Cathedral, London UK 1940
4) Pearl Harbour, Hawai 1941
5) Buy war bonds, US WWII poster
6) ?
7) Trynity test, New Mexico USA 1945
8) ?
Good call on Remagen.

I always figured it was Malinta Tunnel in Corregidor where the Japanese holed up MacArthur and Quezon before the fall of the Phillipenes.

But yeah the big frickin' bridge and lack of palmtrees are kind of telling.

#8 Looks Stalingrad-ish.
*Like I was there* :ugly: