
Well, Im guessing that for once your gun's will have actual bullets that have per pixel impact effects.

Your sword/axe/barbie will have physical wieght and the animation that plays when you swing it wont be 'premade' itll be based on an algorithm.

Doors/chests/armor could break apart into infinite pieces (within reason).

Deformable terrain

NPCs could be structured into infinite (within reason) pieces that realistically blow up in accordance to bullets/explosions/dr phil.

How bout getting part of your armor frozen solid and it breaks off leaving a jagged piece that you can still wear.

Magic could have multiple effects. A ball of fire could be thrown, not only does boil someone but the resulting air could burn and produce a backdraft that knocks others over.

Flight Sims could be alot more accurate.

Physics based fluffy dice!!!!!

lots of things..
Yep ADV, my first visualization was to see a big fireball do some serious damage and affect the surrounding.

Im sure this will be as common as a soundcard or a GFX card in like 1-2 years.
Oh great, another distraction from designing good gameplay. There's nothing wrong with these things in themselves, but I sometimes think developers aren't mature enough to make them complement games as oppose to smother them. Such as what video cards have done.

The potential of advanced physical simulations is good for expanding certain gameplay options, however I doubt this extra processing power will be used for anything else but some "Ub3r effectz!", at least to begin with.
I'm sure this is going to be a hit with the FPS developers as they've always been looking to make the better explosion. I'm fine with the way they look now, but I'd really like to see how it improves cloth, fog, smoke, and liquids like it says. Expecially cloth which always looks like shit in games no matter how they try. No MMO or RPG has ever been able to do cloaks right, robes in RPGs and such have always looked artificial and too solid. Banners are too starched looking in their movements in reaction to wind or other disturbances. If it can do cloth well it may even be able to plot the interaction/movement of hair, which I'd be even happier to see. I hate seeing a characters hair sticking through their back when they look up and such or sticking out at stupid anime angles that defy physics.
nners are too starched looking in their movements in reaction to wind or other disturbances.

Yeah, have a look at the demo if you didn't, they have some sort of aircraft that flyes through a banner, looks real nice!
keyser Soeze said:
Yeah, have a look at the demo if you didn't, they have some sort of aircraft that flyes through a banner, looks real nice!
Ah, heh, I never scrolled down. Saw the Ghost Recon demo's but not the cell factor one. I can say now though, after looking at all the demos and a number of screenshots I am very impressed with its ability to handle tons of moving objects being flung around and even more impressed with it's ability to properly recreate the movement of cloth. I'll be very happy to see what it can do for character designs (robes and loose fitting pants hitting against the leg and not just being part of it, cloaks, hooded sweaters with the hood bobbing against your back rather than sitting there static, and so on), hair, banners and flags, ecetera. On a negative note however, watching the flamethrower, bloodsprays, and other fluid effects it suffers quite a bit in the realism department. It handles fluids as gobs and mist, and I can see no case of it portraying sprays or streams. What attempts it makes at sprays and streams still come out as gobs, which looks horrible.

...and yes, the explosions look better now... whoopdeefuckingdoo. I really don't want to see that become the sole focus of this hardware, too much of the industries' (both games and movies) attention has already gone to the better bang obsession.

From the looks of it, what would benifit best from this hardware is not FPS games, but Flight and Driving sims. I couldn't help but grin imagining a space fighter sim like the old Wing Commander, Privateer, or X-wing games using that software to create ship debris, missle clusters, or better yet - astroid belts.