(Pic) Wisdom of the Fallout Boy

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-12-01 AT 04:37PM (GMT)[p]please! colourize the assassin perk in fallout 2.
You know the one with the dude in black slitting that guys throut from behind. please. i need it to...um...live...um
You keep amazing me, where do you get the time to produce, think, be a part and participate so much?
Really great

"shichisho hokoku"
>You keep amazing me, where do
>you get the time to
>produce, think, be a part
>and participate so much?

Well, I'm in High School, 11th grade, but I'm on (or going on) a program that allows me to take an hour of school a week at the public library, and do the work at home. This being said, I have plenty of free time.

>Really great

Thankee kindly.

>What is the guy with the
>mushrooms doing?

He's just there. I bastardized all of these from the manual and colored them myself. I needed something to put in the center, but the head was too solid, so I used mushroom man.
I think i saw him on a screenshot at the officail page.
it is supposed to be fergus ehurqart (can't really recal his name corectly)one of the production guys.
>I think i saw him on
>a screenshot at the officail
>it is supposed to be fergus
>ehurqart (can't really recal his
>name corectly)one of the production

He`s now the boss of Interplay

"shichisho hokoku"