Places *not* to go.


First time out of the vault
Hit level 14, and there's so much wasted time in there, I figure I'd just tell folks a few areas I found that were essentially pointless. Feel free to add your own.

Girdershade, west/SW edge of map.

I thought this was going to be a town, and finally I'd be able to leave Megaton behind without having to cross a wasteland full of supermutants. It was two people. How does two freakin' people rate a location on my map?!? Couldn't whoever told me about this place tell me that it was useless? I wasted like an hour and 100 rounds of ammo getting there, and there isn't even a store, or a bed.

Arefu, N of Megaton.

Again, I thought "Hurray! A new town, and/or quest hub!". It's like 4 people, one of whom you have to go find. How fucking lazy is Bethesda that they couldn't add some people, some history, some interesting events here. Nope, just one quest, no vendors and move along. Sucks.

Any Metro Station. Anywhere.

Seriously, I know these were all mass produced in their day using the same construction techniques, but even subway stations today have *some* differences. Add a ghoul still working a shoeshine, some industrial art created by a local college, or a newspaper vendor, or anything. I've spent more than 70% of my game time fighting my way through a dozen of these idiotic cookie-cutter locations, and there is absolutely nothing to do in any of them except run and gun. (Excepting Marigold Station, naturally, which had a point but still sucked.)

The Mirelurk location for wasteland guide quest.

The name escapes me, but really, don't bother unless you're a completist. At best run in and drop the sensor and run out. I stayed and searched every inch of that place for a couple hours and got sweet eff-all for a reward, like a couple hundred caps and some generic ammo, nothing you couldn't get in 30 seconds off the Talon Company mercs that you will have popping up every time you exit one of the aforementioned subway stations.

Again, this place could have been amazing, there's a whole backstory there about NPCs who have been harvesting the mirelurks. Now, in old fallout there would have been the NPCs to interact with (as usual, there's nothing) and several options for dealing with the quest and the sidequests. Here, there's just one thing to do and then leave. No people, no stories, no fun.

Go ahead and add your own locations, I'd like to know what other places are skippable before I spend another hour for nothing.
The Mirelurk location did some have some motorcycle gas tanks, I tend to remember where I picked those up because I like the Shishkabob.

Did you find a use for the old chick hanging out by Whilhems Wharf right near the Mirelurk lair? Other than helping the Talon Mercs in the area find you she seemed damn pointless as well.
Girdershade is used for a special quest

Arefu is connected to the vampire cult people and that quest can take a good 2-3 hours if you take your time. It also opens up a hub for you to trade with and get an interesting new perk. Hardly useless imo.
I did the Quest linked to Arefu and got the perk but I don't think I got a trading hub opened.

[spoiler:9fa3d97598]I got The Family to protect Arefu in exchange for donated blood and Ian returned to his parents home. Which outcome did you get?[/spoiler:9fa3d97598]
TheLastOutlaw said:
I did the Quest linked to Arefu and got the perk but I don't think I got a trading hub opened.

[spoiler:0fb24ef19e]I got The Family to protect Arefu in exchange for donated blood and Ian returned to his parents home. Which outcome did you get?[/spoiler:0fb24ef19e]

Same, however there is a down there who has a nice little shop that restocks some decent items for that point in the game. I was taking what ever I could get.
Bal-Sagoth said:
Girdershade is used for a special quest

Arefu is connected to the vampire cult people and that quest can take a good 2-3 hours if you take your time. It also opens up a hub for you to trade with and get an interesting new perk. Hardly useless imo.

"A good 2-3 hours of your time", is that what you think? I think it was just filler for 2-3 hours of mindless shooting, searching empty locations and a completely anticlimactic ending ("Ok sure, I'll go home"). All that for one quest, with no followups and no further interactions.

You must have cut your teeth on MMORPG quests if you think Arefu is worth the trip. How's that WoW gather quest coming along? You done yet? No? Ok then, might as well go for another 8 hours.

I play an RPG for a good story, the Arefu story was un-compelling, anticlimactic, and made no sense. Why would they take that kid back? Why did I gain karma for helping that little shiat?

And that's all that happens with Arefu, unless you want to hear about it for the rest of the game, because 3-Dog will play that episode over and over and over and over and over... for as long as you can stand to listen to it (5 min for me).

Oh and that chick who gives you the Arefu quest... says and does nothing whatsoever to you afterwords. I mean, it's only her brother you saved, no biggie.
Bal-Sagoth said:
Girdershade is used for a special quest

Girdershade actually has two whole quests there, one for each person, the rewards are 300 caps for one and a schematic for the other you can buy off a junk dealer (random) for a nuka-cola grenade. Like I don't have 100 frag grenades sitting in my locker?

The kicker? Both fetch/gather quests, no followup I could find.

Anyway, don't go there, not worth the minutes/hours, that's why it's on this list, so you don't waste your time getting there, thinking it's some amazing place, only to be disappointed.
First off do not double post, that is a big no no on this forum as you will find out over time :D

As far as Arefu the "one" quest you mentioned is quite a long one that (explorers like me) seemed to enjoy. We actually had a long discussion of it on the Beth forums yesterday and about the vampire cult. It has been fairly popular it appears tbh. I am sorry it was not to your liking =/

Girdershade however is a drop off point for another quest you receive in the ant subway place. Not a big quest by any means but it does have a purpose other than what you made note of.

edit: Also I am not sure what you mean about the sister, she told me she had heard of what I had done and thanked me for delivering the letter.
I answered your two points in two separate posts, because I noticed the girdershade response later and didn't see the edit button. For me a "double-post" means that I posted the exact same thing twice.

You really feel that one quest, and essentially one dialogue interaction was worth all that time? Then I guess we have to agree to disagree, because that 3 hours was indicative of what I hate most about what Bethesda did to this game: Dumbed it down completely.

In the original FO's you'd have had several ways of finishing those quests, as well as follow-ups and branching quest chains as a result of your actions and the NPC responses. In FO1-2 you might get better rewards, or partial rewards for how you complete or don't complete the quest. In FO3, it's shoot em all or follow the easy dialogue paths to your one reward. And then everyone's dialogue is greyed out, and you have no reason to ever go there again.

That's just pointless.

Oh and there's a nuka-cola quest chain in girdershade, it's not just the package delivery from Marigold Station. But again, why would one waste hours on fetch-and-gather quests, when ot's possible to get so much more from an RPG? Obviously, you want nothing much beyond a fetch-quest from this game, and I want so much more.
deadsanta said:
I answered your two points in two separate posts, because I noticed the girdershade response later and didn't see the edit button. For me a "double-post" means that I posted the exact same thing twice.

You really feel that one quest, and essentially one dialogue interaction was worth all that time? Then I guess we have to agree to disagree, because that 3 hours was indicative of what I hate most about what Bethesda did to this game: Dumbed it down completely.

In the original FO's you'd have had several ways of finishing those quests, as well as follow-ups and branching quest chains as a result of your actions and the NPC responses. In FO1-2 you might get better rewards, or partial rewards for how you complete or don't complete the quest. In FO3, it's shoot em all or follow the easy dialogue paths to your one reward. And then everyone's dialogue is greyed out, and you have no reason to ever go there again.

That's just pointless.

Oh and there's a nuka-cola quest chain in girdershade, it's not just the package delivery from Marigold Station. But again, why would one waste hours on fetch-and-gather quests, when ot's possible to get so much more from an RPG? Obviously, you want nothing much beyond a fetch-quest from this game, and I want so much more.

I was not trying to be rude on the edit thing just giving you a heads up, it is something strictly enforced on these forums.

For Arefu I enjoyed it for the most part, I talked to several people down there and did some trading and what not. I like just getting out and exploring the world. While I was on this quest I also ran into Bittercup and the Police Station rescue stuff so maybe that helped spice things up for me.

I went into this game already deciding I was not going to compare it to Fallout 1 and 2 at all and enjoy it for what it is. So far I am loving it and still exploring new locations (I am at 60 so far and from the look of some of the pre discovered maps I still got several more).

We seem to have different interest for sure, I get a kick out of just exploring and running into the little enclave mini forts and Mutant stronghold houses where they have captives.

Cant wait to play the game again as a bad guy and do the slaver quest/evil side of things, that slaver gun to put the collars on people looks fun :lol:

Anyways I respect your opinion and I can see how this game does not match a lot of peoples play styles. Some of us are enjoying it tho.
Pope Viper said:
Correct on the double posting. We also frown upon back seat moderating.

I was in no way trying to "backseat moderate", Just giving friendly advice so he did not catch the bad end of a mod as I have seen many people do from the years I have lurked here without posting.
I found the merchant you mentioned, I must have missed him back there in his little corner the first time I was down there or maybe he was closed at the time. I'm enjoying the recon armor with the +5 sneak that he had. :D
Don't head to shalebridge.

[spoiler:fa10de0d1f]As far as I can figure out, you kill one ant nest, stick a stim in another, and that's it. Whoopee, some friendly small green ants... no use whatsoever.[/spoiler:fa10de0d1f]

And Reclining Groves resort homes... another waste of a map marker.

[spoiler:fa10de0d1f]Nothing there but a few destroyed houses. Sure you can scrounge for some stuff, but sooo not worth it.[/spoiler:fa10de0d1f][/spoiler]
deadsanta said:
Any Metro Station. Anywhere.

Seriously, I know these were all mass produced in their day using the same construction techniques, but even subway stations today have *some* differences. Add a ghoul still working a shoeshine, some industrial art created by a local college, or a newspaper vendor, or anything. I've spent more than 70% of my game time fighting my way through a dozen of these idiotic cookie-cutter locations, and there is absolutely nothing to do in any of them except run and gun. (Excepting Marigold Station, naturally, which had a point but still sucked.)

Obviously you've never come to DC, otherwise you'd know that in fact, they are all surprisingly very much the same. Maybe a few exceptions, Chinatown stop, but no, I find the FO3 depiction pretty on spot. Having said that, I don't enjoy the "dungeon crawling" but what are you going to do?
Is there a quest to go with the Red Racer tricycle factory or the Hubris Comic Company? I just explored both this afternoon and other than some decent salvage it didn't seem worth the effort. I expected to get some sort of Quest note when I killed the crazy guy in the foremans office over the comic printing press but it was pretty anti climactic.
AnimalAl said:
deadsanta said:
Any Metro Station. Anywhere.

Seriously, I know these were all mass produced in their day using the same construction techniques, but even subway stations today have *some* differences. Add a ghoul still working a shoeshine, some industrial art created by a local college, or a newspaper vendor, or anything. I've spent more than 70% of my game time fighting my way through a dozen of these idiotic cookie-cutter locations, and there is absolutely nothing to do in any of them except run and gun. (Excepting Marigold Station, naturally, which had a point but still sucked.)

Obviously you've never come to DC, otherwise you'd know that in fact, they are all surprisingly very much the same. Maybe a few exceptions, Chinatown stop, but no, I find the FO3 depiction pretty on spot. Having said that, I don't enjoy the "dungeon crawling" but what are you going to do?

Just have less of them, then. I mean I hate how this "open-ended" game just totally bottlenecks you through these linear dungeon crawls: In, one tunnel, out the other. I've done it, no joke, like 20-30 times now.

Take out 10 Metros, a bunch of rubble-walls and add more real locations, with NPCs. If you really want to stop me, put a raider army or two around downtown DC mixing it up with supermutants and BOS, or some more toll-bridges, or rad lakes... whatever but I should never get stopped by a 4-foot high mound of rubble.
TheLastOutlaw said:
Is there a quest to go with the Red Racer tricycle factory or the Hubris Comic Company? I just explored both this afternoon and other than some decent salvage it didn't seem worth the effort. I expected to get some sort of Quest note when I killed the crazy guy in the foremans office over the comic printing press but it was pretty anti climactic.

Yes and no. Yes, there is a quest related to the RR Factory.

[spoiler:edf101b6f6]The formula for nuke cola found in an appropriate factory nearby, is wanted by the inhabitants of the RR factory...but you have to go in without guns a blazin, or get lucky with the surrender function[/spoiler:edf101b6f6]

No, the Hubris Comic Company is a wink and nod to Prima, the strategy guide. I will also add, that after having thumbed through a friends collectors edition, its just about the best looking guide they have ever produced (and they have some seriously crappy ones out there). He swears by it and after a couple of run throughs I am going to grab it myself. He may force me to buy it sooner because I keep making him look up items I run across to double check their usefulness as schematic parts (after my tin can debacle)...and he replies with a sigh "Just get the book already will ya."
Take out 10 Metros, a bunch of rubble-walls and add more real locations, with NPCs. If you really want to stop me, put a raider army or two around downtown DC mixing it up with supermutants and BOS, or some more toll-bridges, or rad lakes... whatever but I should never get stopped by a 4-foot high mound of rubble.

Yah they could have been more creative with the barriers. In the first two there weren't many barriers other than the fact that you'd most likely get your ass kicked for being at a low-level with inferior armor and firepower after stumbling into an enclave or mutant patrol in between locations.