Lived Through the Heat Death

Well i finally played the Arcanum Demo, i suggest you guys to have a go because it really delivers. It will be on british pczone, swedish pc gamer and american cgw. I`ve played it from french joystick, and IT ROCKS!!
I`m even using caps
I only played for five hours, reached level 4, played it as a neutral human with a slight tendence for technology, and just have three comments at this time:
-technically it`s finished, no major bugs, well, no bugs at all, only some problems with doors. It`s in 640/480, but with all the efects and filters made with 3d accelaration, and lots of detail, so it`s quite beautiful and detailed.
-it`s much more "falloutish" in mood,clever humour (but not too intrusive), freedom to roam and character creation than what i was expecting; the personalities choices are a good change from perks; i only played it in moderate difficulty, took me three hours to get to level 4 without doing two major sub-quests but i played it in a very small pace, that shows that someone used to play fallout just gets in the game very easilly.
-My character was still too weak for me to try combat in a proper maner, and i still haven`t figured it out how to fight properly, so i`ll have to wait a few days and watch your ideas about it and try that particular aspect a litle bit more.
Overall, the game seems finished, and quite a challenge.
I think i`m in love with it
I`m even using caps

I only played for five hours, reached level 4, played it as a neutral human with a slight tendence for technology, and just have three comments at this time:
-technically it`s finished, no major bugs, well, no bugs at all, only some problems with doors. It`s in 640/480, but with all the efects and filters made with 3d accelaration, and lots of detail, so it`s quite beautiful and detailed.
-it`s much more "falloutish" in mood,clever humour (but not too intrusive), freedom to roam and character creation than what i was expecting; the personalities choices are a good change from perks; i only played it in moderate difficulty, took me three hours to get to level 4 without doing two major sub-quests but i played it in a very small pace, that shows that someone used to play fallout just gets in the game very easilly.
-My character was still too weak for me to try combat in a proper maner, and i still haven`t figured it out how to fight properly, so i`ll have to wait a few days and watch your ideas about it and try that particular aspect a litle bit more.
Overall, the game seems finished, and quite a challenge.
I think i`m in love with it