Playing 1.051 integrated with Killap's final B


First time out of the vault
I'm working off of the humongous Fallout 2 install, from a 1.0 CD. I want to install the 1.051 integrated patch, for the bugfixes and balance fixes which it includes. However, I also noticed Killap's final patch, which includes a lot of neat quest fixes that I would like to try out.

I did a search, and found this thread:
After reading that, I would guess that if I install the two patches in the right order, that they may work, but I just wanted to run this by everyone who knows a lot more about this than me ^_^

I scoured the readme files of both patches, and it seems like there are some overlapping areas that they patched. If I install 1.051 integrated, and then Killap's final B, will they play nice together, or do I need to pick one or the other?

edit: was going to post this in the unofficial patches thread, but I wasn't sure if stuff referring to Killap's patch belonged there. The first post of the thread only mentions Celestial's and Seraph's.
You would most certainly run into issues if you try and combine my patch with the 1.051 patch. Too much overlapping.

Essentially every game fix that is in the 1.051 patch is also in mine plus much more. So in my eyes there is no reason to use the 1.051 version. Depending on your setup, you may actually run into more problems using it than leaving you game patched with just 1.02.

On a related note, I am shooting for my final release of a new patch Wednesday. The new release will include almost a 100 more fixes. This will be my final patch for the game and I will only make more corrections if anyone notices something. (ie I will no longer be searching the game for bugs, etc.)

I could release sooner, but the only thing that is keeping me back are 2 pesky bugs. One of wich is 90% fixed while the other is still bugging me out.
Thank you for the quick reply, and for all the work you put into that patch, Killap.

You said that your patch contains all of the game fixes that 1.051 has. By game fixes, do you mean the quest fixes, or does your patch contain some fixes that aren't listed in its "bugsfixed.txt"?

If I had to pick between 1.051 and your patch, right now I'd rather try yours out, because I really want to try out all those quests you fixed! But I would miss the armor-piercing ammo fix from 1.051 :)
hantaisha said:
You said that your patch contains all of the game fixes that 1.051 has. By game fixes, do you mean the quest fixes, or does your patch contain some fixes that aren't listed in its "bugsfixed.txt"?

quest fixes.

hantaisha said:
If I had to pick between 1.051 and your patch, right now I'd rather try yours out, because I really want to try out all those quests you fixed! But I would miss the armor-piercing ammo fix from 1.051 :)

Well, don't get too excited. :P There have been many complaints about the ammo changes that were made in the 1.051 patch. The game becomes extremely unbalanced with all that was changed. (I mean waaayyy unbalanced. Try it out if you are curious)
I did some reading, and you're right - there do seem to be some problems with the 1.051 patch. It was probably a good idea to separate a quest patch from a ammo/weapon mod patch.

I was looking through the item/weapon mods looking for something that would reasonably rebalance the weapons, but there were so many to try. Hard to tell which ones are good without downloading and trying, since few of them have more than 3 votes on their ratings.

And just a note: 100 more quest fixes, wow! :shock:
I'll be looking forward to that one!