Playing *AS* Mad Max


It Wandered In From the Wastes
So I have beat F1 and F2 about 10 times each now, and I am looking for a new way to play. I was thinking of playing as MAD MAX, an idea I saw on DAC, and searched here but didn't see any posts on.

I was thinking-
Using the shottie and leather Jacket only, getting dogmeat as my one NPC.

So somebody help me out with the details.

How would he act? What quest would he have to do or make sure not to do?

What what would his special be? What traits? What skills? And what perks. I want it to be realistic, even if it is hard.

I will play first in Fallout, then maybe try the same guy in F2.

SO I would love to hear everyones idea on the subject....
I imagine you'd face the Raiders, perhaps dealing with them in a non-violent or half violent manner. You wouldn't probably join the Brotherhood, suspicious of such groups, but you'd side with Gunrunners and Blades against Regulators. You'd probably ignore most of the Hub quests, since they would be problems of a big city and of no concerrn to you, the Road Warrior.

Also, if this is a discussion about ideology of a "Mad Max", it's OK, but remember - no gameplay/tech issues ;)
try beating the game without firing a weapon or using hand-to-hand combat


but seriously, i went through the game a couple times with the shotgun and pwned it up...

if your playing MAD MAX, trying killing anyone who pisses you off, but be overly clevor about it...

grenades left in people's pockets tend to sting a little after about a minute or so.. =D

The problem I see as playing "as Mad Max"... Max really doesn't tend to give people the time of day if he can help it. Without going into too much spoiler detail, this is a guy who's lost everything he really gives a damn about (besides maybe his dog and car) -though on those it depends on when in the story you're talking.

But really.. if someone either has something he *really* needs, he MIGHT help them. He's usually more prone to do things his own way though. The other exception to that would be when someone can manage to actually force him into helping them -but in these cases, he's the sort who'd almost certainly blow their head off or pay them back in other, more nefarious ways as soon as he's out from under their thumb.

What that's all coming down to is, he'd be very very selective of taking quests. If there wasn't significant gain in it for him, hey.. it's been fun. Seeya later.

That said...
S - 6 (He's not a wimp, but no powerhouse either)
P - 9 (When he takes a good bead on something, it usually gets shot)
E - 6 (He's not superman, though he tends to bounce back well provided he survives and can crawl off)
C - 2 (Simply not a trait Max relies on. "Hello" for him might equally be a gun in your face)
I - 8 (He's very crafty, and he knows a lot of stuff since he was pretty well educated before the worst of it -he used to be a cop too)
A - 8 (He's pretty quick with those guns (APs) and he can usually dodge a lot better than most. His partially crippled leg however is a slight hinderance)
L - 8 (Numerous times, it was only some kind of super luck or powers that be that's kept good ol' Max alive)

Gifted (well.. he is)
One-hander (no brainer here given his preferences and adeptness)

Small Guns (duh)
Traps (he's damn good with traps and explosives)
Barter or Outdoorsman (yeah, again.. not the best, But I think realistically those would be the next couple on the list to reflect his abilities -MAYBE melee or unarmed here if you really want it, but Max would never use those skills if he had a gun and bullets. He only does so in the movies for dramatic effect and plot device) ;)

Perks: (fill in gaps using common sense)
Awareness (he notices more than most by a long shot)
Animal Friend (yes it sucks but it makes sense since he's better with them than most people)
More Criticals (?) (I'd say this fits. When his ammo is any good and he has a moment to aim, he normally shoots quite well)
Better Criticals (see above)
Sniper (fits in the theme provided you make it to this level anyway)

I'd say he'd use whatever weapon he could get his hands on, but stop with the double barrel shottys once you get to them and go no further than leather jacket for armor. Dogmeat only NPC... maybe allow use of sniper rifles in only circumstances where he'd logically have time to "ambush" from a distance -he's certainly not above those tactics if the gear is available to him (or just tossing lit dynamite in their lap for that matter) ;)

You could alternately swap points around to make his CHA 4 so you can get one more NPC and pick one that's basically a follower since this was a common problem he faced in the movies. Vic or Myron might fit in ok here I guess.

In addition, I'd say he'd be opposed to most chems, though he'd have no problem with stims and would probably indulge in alcohol on some occasions.

About all I can really think of off the top of my head except that you should avoid direct acts of either evil or good -except of course where there's a clear and significant benefit to YOU. Max doesn't really care who he works for or who he has to shoot, though he'd probably prefer to shoot them than work for them so long as he has food, ammo, and gas. The rest of the world and its problems really don't concern him then usually.

Anyways.. have fun.

If your really bored, my favorite way to play Fallout 1 & 2 is to only save when your done playing.

If a group member dies, no reloading, and if you die, then you got to make a new character.

It's actually pretty damn entertaining.
great replys guys! Thanks Wraith for the good post...

I was thinking however, are you sure about one handed? I am not so sure, and even then that would screw me up cause the shotty is a 2 hander right?

Also, I was thinking is MAX really that lucky? I mean is he an 8 or a 2? He has a lot of good luck, but has a bunch of bac luck also. Would Jinxed almost fit him or is that just me? I am interested to see what you guys think.

Anything else you can think of? I am hoping to start a new FO1 game as soon as I get back home after this weekend and play as max, so just trying to see what I should do.
It's also not present in Fallout 1.

Damn, this thread is getting gameplay... Cut it out :/
I am starting a thread in the gameplay/tech to deal with more tech isues related to my question. Thanks for all the replies guys. I would still be interested in you replies here about how Max would align himself in the world of fallout.

I am thinking go lone w/dogmeat and do very few quests unless there is a direct bennifit to Max himself, in addition I wonder if max would even complete the waterchip quest....I would say yes.....but would he after completing that, find and end the muntant threat?
I'm wondering about something. I really don't think Mad Max would have a charisma of only 2 out of 10. Charisma is a combination of socially acceptable behavior, charming qualities, and social skills but does strongly focus on physical features and overall appearance too. I always thought he was quite good looking, I'd probably bump it up a bit but if it decreases the other attributes too much then leave it. Mel Gibson wasn't and isn't an ugly guy.
Admittedly, his looks would be indicative of a much higher charisma, but he's just so abrasive to most people he meets out there.

In the first movie, his wife & kid and best friend liked him. Pretty much everyone else didn't very much.
Second movie, the really weird guy in the little vertibird thingy and the feral kid liked him. Everyone else wanted him dead or barely tolerated him.
3rd movie.. see a pattern? ;)

So the low CHA is more a reflection that this guy just isn't going to win over a whole throng of loyal friends, add to the fact that the way dialogue options tend to work in FO, it's high INT that lets you get further and CHA only plays a minor role in reaction levels, the low number there seemed apropriate since Max also generally has to really scrimp and save (not getting good barter prices obviously), and people often don't take him entirely at his word and are naturally wary of the guy (not the greatest speech modifiers).


It's all open to interpretation though.. And I'd forgotten about the 1-handere / no sawed off in FO1 thing.. since the game engine considers the shotty (which I'd still call a sawed off personally) a 2 handed weapon, you might actually wanna go with the 2 hander trait. It makes no sense asthetically (Max used his one handed) but the game engine would require you to choose the other to actually use the proper weapon -you'd just have to use imagination to compensate. :)

Actually I think that Mad Max' Charisma was quite hight but he was a jerk on a personal level. In all the movies people trusted him to do what needed to be done just by the way he caried himself, that is charisma. Ofcourse he then told them to piss off, but that is something else.

Also I would not pick "gifted" as a trait, but skilled would definitaly be in character. I also think that he was not really a very lucky guy at all. Mad Max was a tragic character who always ended up losing everything except his life at the end of each of his movies. He was always left alone. He had horrible luck and the only reason he survived was because he was tough and intelligent. I would emphesize toughtness way more than luck.

He hated raiders because those kinds of people killed his family. In each of his movies he tried to disassociate himself from everyone and be selfish, but in the end he always ended up helping the oppressed because at his core he was a benevolent man. The tragedy of Mad Max was that ultimately everything that he cared for was taken away from him in one way or another. Even in the second and third movies where the people he cared for lived, he was still left behind and so they were lost to him.

Mad Max was the type of chatracter that did everything to avoid trouble, but trouble always found him. This means that you should run away from encounters if you can, but also allow yourself to be drawn into quests where you are promised some gain as far as your quest is concerned or a personal gain like equipment or more specifical in character "fuel and ammunition".
The quest in Modock in FO2 is the perfect example; you are promised some clear gain so you help some desperate people, but in the end you find out you were duped and there is really nothing for you and so you are left with nothing even as the people you helped prosper.
Or the one with Vick; you are promised by Vick that he has info if you help him, you go through it all and get him out only to find out he really doesn't know anything and you were duped once again, left with a tagalong character you never really wanted.

Also do not be afraid to stand up for yourself. If somebody like Metzeger tries to push you around do not be a pussy. Mad Max did not taunt anyone into a fight, but he sure did not cave like a little bitch to anyone just to avoid a fight. And try to use the dialogue options with the least talking, unless ofcourse it goes contrary to the previous advice.
gonzo13 said:
This means that you should run away from encounters if you can.

I would change that to "say no to encounters if possible" (i.e. pick "no" if you get the choice on the worldmap, but don't run away once the fight starts).
Good point Brutulf. With a high Outdoorsman skill you would be able to avoid allmost all battles. Like in Road warrior he is concealed from the raiders and doesn't engage until he sees two of them alone, trying to rape a woman or whatever. That is where his noble trait kicks in and he goes to try to save her, then he tries to play it off like he doesn't really care when he asks for gas in return.
Good post Brutulf,

I also was torn on the luck thing, depending on how you look at it he is either very lucky, or very not, depending on what you base it on. Also I was thinking maybe jinxed would be a good way to solve that problem.

Tha Ch thing also is a hard one. Maybe a low ch with a high barter skill?? Dialog is based mostly on IN anyway........

In F2 he might be different than F1, because of the use of the "not accecpt" of encounters.
The day when the new Fallout, Mad Max movie, and The Fall the last days of Gaia come out I will have nothing to look forward to for a long time.

And as for Mad Max Character you will need to jack up your HP or your Armor Class because enclave like to blow your head off.