The problem I see as playing "as Mad Max"... Max really doesn't tend to give people the time of day if he can help it. Without going into too much spoiler detail, this is a guy who's lost everything he really gives a damn about (besides maybe his dog and car) -though on those it depends on when in the story you're talking.
But really.. if someone either has something he *really* needs, he MIGHT help them. He's usually more prone to do things his own way though. The other exception to that would be when someone can manage to actually force him into helping them -but in these cases, he's the sort who'd almost certainly blow their head off or pay them back in other, more nefarious ways as soon as he's out from under their thumb.
What that's all coming down to is, he'd be very very selective of taking quests. If there wasn't significant gain in it for him, hey.. it's been fun. Seeya later.
That said...
S - 6 (He's not a wimp, but no powerhouse either)
P - 9 (When he takes a good bead on something, it usually gets shot)
E - 6 (He's not superman, though he tends to bounce back well provided he survives and can crawl off)
C - 2 (Simply not a trait Max relies on. "Hello" for him might equally be a gun in your face)
I - 8 (He's very crafty, and he knows a lot of stuff since he was pretty well educated before the worst of it -he used to be a cop too)
A - 8 (He's pretty quick with those guns (APs) and he can usually dodge a lot better than most. His partially crippled leg however is a slight hinderance)
L - 8 (Numerous times, it was only some kind of super luck or powers that be that's kept good ol' Max alive)
Gifted (well.. he is)
One-hander (no brainer here given his preferences and adeptness)
Small Guns (duh)
Traps (he's damn good with traps and explosives)
Barter or Outdoorsman (yeah, again.. not the best, But I think realistically those would be the next couple on the list to reflect his abilities -MAYBE melee or unarmed here if you really want it, but Max would never use those skills if he had a gun and bullets. He only does so in the movies for dramatic effect and plot device)
Perks: (fill in gaps using common sense)
Awareness (he notices more than most by a long shot)
Animal Friend (yes it sucks but it makes sense since he's better with them than most people)
More Criticals (?) (I'd say this fits. When his ammo is any good and he has a moment to aim, he normally shoots quite well)
Better Criticals (see above)
Sniper (fits in the theme provided you make it to this level anyway)
I'd say he'd use whatever weapon he could get his hands on, but stop with the double barrel shottys once you get to them and go no further than leather jacket for armor. Dogmeat only NPC... maybe allow use of sniper rifles in only circumstances where he'd logically have time to "ambush" from a distance -he's certainly not above those tactics if the gear is available to him (or just tossing lit dynamite in their lap for that matter)
You could alternately swap points around to make his CHA 4 so you can get one more NPC and pick one that's basically a follower since this was a common problem he faced in the movies. Vic or Myron might fit in ok here I guess.
In addition, I'd say he'd be opposed to most chems, though he'd have no problem with stims and would probably indulge in alcohol on some occasions.
About all I can really think of off the top of my head except that you should avoid direct acts of either evil or good -except of course where there's a clear and significant benefit to YOU. Max doesn't really care who he works for or who he has to shoot, though he'd probably prefer to shoot them than work for them so long as he has food, ammo, and gas. The rest of the world and its problems really don't concern him then usually.
Anyways.. have fun.