Playing HD video files on the PC


Antediluvian as Feck
What kind of setup is required to play HD video files on the PC? I´m mainly running 720p, but I also have some 1080p or 1080i files, with my PC connected to the projector via VGA. It can run 720p, but there´s a whole lot of aliasing, and I´m thinking of bringing my gaming PC up to where I live. Seems unnecessary though, if it can´t run HD movies very well either.
I have an old and shitty rig (3ghz prescott, 1gb pc2700 and godforsake, an 5200fx) and had absolutely no problems playing 720p24, though it was mainly anime stuff. Unless you are talking about tv transmission through the pc in which i know nothing.

EDIT: I guess i was not supposed to be posting about stuff that is not afterfall-related, but oh, well :lol:
I have a pentium 4 2.4 GHz with 1.5 GB of RAM, and a Geforce 6600 GT at my parents´, which I might take back with me one day. I can play 720p files pretty much without any problems (at least there´s no aliasing like on my current laptop), I´m pretty sure any lag is because this computer is slow due to all the activated programs. I think I just need to reformat.