Playing JA 2

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gonzo13
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I am once again replaying the game Jagged Alliance 2.
I just wanted to know if any of you remembered how to get the chalice from the museum in Balime without having to kill the elderly guard.

It is berry skarry faiting tha snake.
I am trying NOT to kill him. ;}

It is berry skarry faiting tha snake.
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON May-18-02 AT 01:31PM (GMT)[p]My brother and sister play that game religiously, and i seem to remember that you have to use a dart pistol, but I don't know where or how to get it.
Just ask the JA2 master here. :)

Yes, the dart pistol can be obtained in a number of places, including Cambria, the Redneck Sector (in the bin by the barn), and Tony in San Mona. Those are the easiest places I can list right off the top of my head.

A tear gas canister, if you're lucky, you can get it off and knock the guard down without a problem.

If your sneaking is good, you can slip by him with the right timing, disable the alarm, and then go through with the swiping.