Playing patched Fo1 and Fo2 on Mac? No problem!


Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?
I am sure I'm not the first one who wants to play FO in OS X and I am more sure that I won't be the last one. I've tried hundreds of times to play the original game on mac but failed. And I succeeded with GOG version, even applied the unofficial patches. If you're interested in it, I will share my experience with you.

As I'm using wine to do it, I found this thread very useful to me,

However, it's much easier on mac than on linux.

1. Let's get wineskin,

The engine should be WS9Wine 1.95, and the wrapper version should be 2.6.2

2. Create a new blank wrapper, and ignore the warning messages asking you to download or install any components like "frameworks" or other things.

3. When wrapper is created, view it in finder, and right-click on it, view the contents, then double-click the in it.

4. Install software, my suggestion is to "copy a folder inside", and the folder should be "GOG Games".
(Of course, you must have the GOG version of the game in it)

And then wine will auto select a .exe for game playing, to avoid any mistakes, you can click "advanced" to make sure the .exe is correct, they should be,
/Program Files/GOG Games/Fallout/FALLOUTW.exe
/Program Files/GOG Games/Fallout 2/FALLOUT2.EXE

If you only want to play the official game, now it's done. You can even change the logo of the wineskin app, just to make it looks better and/or make yourself proud at it.

And if you want to play the modded games with the great unofficial patches, we need to do more.

1. Downloaded the patches, better the installer (.exe).

2. View the contents of the game wrapper in finder, and double click "drive C", then drag the installer of patch in it.

3. Double-click, then "Advanced", and use "Browse" to change the .exe to the installer of patch. If you put the installer in C:/, it should be like,
(if you are playing FO1, of course)

4. Test run, and install the patch as you do in Windows.

5. It's not 100% necessary for game playing, but I strongly suggest that you set the resolution now. Change the .exe to f1_res_Config.exe, it should be,
/Program Files/GOG Games/Fallout/Fallout Fixt/f1_res_Config.exe
(Please note the position of f1_res_Config.exe depends on where you installed the patch)
And then test run, select the resolution you like.

* It's very important that you must change the setting in "Graphics" from "Basic" to "Directx 9", otherwise the game speed could be very slow.

6. Change the .exe to the correct one for game playing, like,
/Program Files/GOG Games/Fallout/Fallout Fixt/FALLOUTW.exe
(Please note the position of FALLOUTW.exe depends on where you installed the patch)

That's all for Fallout 1.

For Fallout2, you need to do one more thing.

7. View the contents of wrapper and double click (for how many times we've done this?), then "Advanced", then "Tools", then click "Config utility (winecfg)", and in the window, click "Libraries", and type ddraw as a "New override for library", click "add". Then "apply" and "OK".

And that's it.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.

Any criticisms will be welcomed, especially those for my English grammar :D
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to all en' sundry,

to get the most easy+straight-forward install on MAC OSX... do so using WINESKIN [I have the latest WINESKIN Vs Installed on the latest MAC OSX El Capitan 10.11.6]: it gives the fullest\most satisfying install\play experience... particularly without 'Slow-Game Speed-Stuttering' (Inc' Child-Fix & High-Res Patch) the funnest+bestest & only way to play Fallout 1 (with all latest updates, etc);

over the past 15 years I have tried umpteen ways\countless nights of hair-pulling failed & frustrating at installing Fallout 1 [+ even Fallout 2] on many differing O\S's Platforms Vs+FATs of both Windows+Linux+ most recently MAC... all of which failed miserably :-(
but; lo & behold, along came this most excellent "Fallout 1 FixT 0.81a FULL Custom (updated Jan 27 2016).

so if anyone is still unsure please do use the method as layed out above VIA WINESKIN. you really do not need to look any further :-)
just, please, do not be tempted into 'tweaking' said FixT above with any other mod OR patch; "if it aint broke dont fix it'.

keep on truck'n

Thomas Ffobbs