Playstation 2 memorycard data recovery


Vault Senior Citizen
Hello all,

I have run into a problem. My kid deleted all data on the PS2 memory card... There was like 800 hours playing time on it :( I was wondering if it would be possible to recover the data. I'm trying to look for info but I not able to find anything usefull...

Do you by any chance have usefull information or helpfull site that could possible help me get the data back.

A big thanks

- Oracle
i dont know a rats ass about playstations, but usually, when a computer deletes something, he just removes the references to the place of the data & not the actual data itself.

so, as long as you dont overwrite anything, the data is basically still sitting there.

with most computerrelated stuff (harddrives, memorysticks, memorycards, etc) you can use programs to rebuild the references and thus regain access to your lost data.

in some cases, you can even recover stuff that's been overwritten, but that's kinda depending on the medium.
Thanks SuAside,

I'm thinking of buying an ps(2) memory link adapter so I can connect it with my pc. I believe I own easy recovery software that helped me in the past before.

so there is still some hope after all ..