A Mod for fallout 2 (incl MM and RP) & perhaps even F1 which forces the moronic NPCs on my team to NOT use burst fire all of the "censored" time.
For some reason I am finding this happening far too often and the useless sods have killed me about 5x now.
Is such a mod possible?
I would guess that theere is a variable which forces their choice of burst or single and that burst probability can be reduced via this but as I am a computer moron I have no real idea TBH.
Hahaha! That's part of what makes the game so interesting and fun - the unpredictability of it all.
Solution = don't give Cassidy an auto weapon until you all have decent armor, and never ever give Vic anything automatic. I think that must be part of his AI: Always single shots (that miss) unless a party member is standing between him and the enemy.
Ohh I agree..to a degree but this is about the 10th time that I have played F2 although first only for the MM and although being hit by burst fire is part and parcel of it, not as often as lately.
Perhaps i just hit a run of bad dice rolls but it has never happened before and I felt embarrassed as I am not used to dying (yeah I know spoilt rotten as oppsed to being a good rpger )
Oh well no big deal: reload and duck(dunno about the cover though )
As for Vic NO WAY will he get a burst weapon he gets the hunting R then the Sniper and then the Gauss rifle as a rule.
I did try this in my first game IIRC when I unwittingly gave him the Pancor....he managed to kill all of us ..I kept pressing "space" just to see what would happen after he killed Cassidy and he even managed a critical on Marcus. I was down to 10hps and thought that I had survived but a robber was not dead and his final coup de grace burst hit me for 40 as collateral. Yes a very dangerous man...to his allies... while Sulik thinks that 10mm grows on trees.
I hope I find that 223 pistol soon or he will be back to his combat knife.
The file data/party.txt controls which combat options are available. You could edit it to give the most cautious burst setting. That may not prevent them from using bursts entirely, but it should minimize how often you get shot in the back.
Thank you I won't try it but I will keep it in reserve.
What IS funny is the random use of burst despite instructions about whom to shoot at and how often to do so and esp with Sulik who often will not fire at the two directly in front of him but puts a burst into the target behind the party hitting everyone. Vic also has this but improves so he is just a lousy shot initially but Sulik shoots like a "tribal" on occasions("berserk" anyone?)
There appears to be a random "idiot" diceroll which enables such actions upon occasions and for Sulik in particular and I doubt that this is changeable.