As the title says TeamX's application to join MVE clips has an issue that it only fuses togeher files that the final output is less than 3.5 or 4GB. if the final file would exceed this size the app only puts the second ingredient as the final video.
I belive it is due to the script that accompanies the app. could anyone look in the script and possibly tell me what d i need to change in order for te mve_join work with bigger files?
the interplay's MUTIL with MERGE option does fuse bigger files, however there's no way to reconvert them back to avi after that.
as MUTIL GETAVI complains about not supporting 16 bit audio yet, and MVE2AVI just crashes.
anyways, I'm posting mve_join's acompanying script:
any help @Lexx @NovaRain @phobos2077
I belive it is due to the script that accompanies the app. could anyone look in the script and possibly tell me what d i need to change in order for te mve_join work with bigger files?
the interplay's MUTIL with MERGE option does fuse bigger files, however there's no way to reconvert them back to avi after that.
as MUTIL GETAVI complains about not supporting 16 bit audio yet, and MVE2AVI just crashes.
anyways, I'm posting mve_join's acompanying script:
{$apptype console}
uses windows, kol;
const BUF_SIZE = 100000;
var f1, f2, fo: file;
buf: array [1..BUF_SIZE] of byte;
to_read, bytes_read: integer;
in_size: integer;
FileMode := 0;
writeln ('MVE Joiner');
if paramcount<>3 then begin
writeln ('This program joins two Interplay MVE movies into one.');
writeln (' usage: mve_join.exe movie1.mve movie2.mve movie_out.mve');
if not FileExists (paramstr(1)) then begin
writeln ('Input file `', paramstr(1), ''' not found.');
if not FileExists (paramstr(2)) then begin
writeln ('Input file `', paramstr(2), ''' not found.');
assign (f1, paramstr(1)); reset (f1, 1);
assign (f2, paramstr(2)); reset (f2, 1);
assign (fo, paramstr(3)); rewrite (fo, 1);
writeln (' ', ExtractFileName(paramstr(1)), ' -> ', paramstr(3));
in_size := system.filesize (f1);
dec (in_size, 16); // cutting 16 bytes - EOF markers - from 1st file
while (in_size > 0) do begin
to_read := BUF_SIZE;
if to_read > in_size then
to_read := in_size;
blockread (f1, buf, to_read, bytes_read);
blockwrite (fo, buf, bytes_read);
dec (in_size, bytes_read);
writeln (' ', ExtractFileName(paramstr(2)), ' -> ', paramstr(3));
seek (f2, $1A); // skipping MVE signature in 2nd file
while not eof(f2) do begin
blockread (f2, buf, BUF_SIZE, bytes_read);
blockwrite (fo, buf, bytes_read);
close (fo);
close (f1);
close (f2);
any help @Lexx @NovaRain @phobos2077