Polish Zeta interview


Vault Consort
Staff member
Polygamia interviewed Brian Chapin, or Brianem Chapinem as he's known in that part of the world. You'll have to scroll down to mid-page to read the English version. There's actually some new information and a slightly different style of questions from the usual.<blockquote>Aliens in previous Fallout games, as well as in vanilla Fallout 3, were mostly small easter eggs, with hard to find alien spaceships or weapons. What made you decide to make a full-fledged add-on focusing on them and how does it fit with the rest of the Fallout setting?

In the base Fallout 3 game, we have the crashed alien spaceship, Recon Craft Theta, so we had already lain the groundwork. And that's an actual location, not really an Easter Egg, so it does imply some kind of extraterrestrial presence in the game world.

Beyond that, using the Alien theme just felt really natural for us. UFOs and aliens are a big part of 1950s pulp fiction (who can forget the UFO crashing into the Capitol Building in "Earth versus the Flying Saucers"?), so featuring that in a DLC seemed like a great way for us to explore that element of the fiction.

We know that there will be other abductees on the spaceship, somehow preserved despite coming from various time periods. Will any of them be historical figures like Elvis or characters known from previous Fallout games?

The folks you'll run into are all fictional, with their own stories. They may have some connections to other experiences you've had while playing Fallout 3...

How varied will the aliens themselves be? Will we see any other alien creatures aside from ones looking like the one found in the Fallout 3 crashed UFO, e.g. the wanamingos seen in Fallout 2?

There are a few different variations on the aliens, with some more prepared for combat than others. Some of the aliens are simply workers on the ship, and aren't looking to cross paths with escaped prisoners.

And then there's the matter of what the aliens are doing, why they're here on Earth in the first place. They're abducting people and experimenting on them for a reason, and you'll run into the results of some of those experiments.</blockquote>Thanks to Ausir I think.
UFOs and aliens are a big part of 1950s pulp fiction (who can forget the UFO crashing into the Capitol Building in "Earth versus the Flying Saucers"?), so featuring that in a DLC seemed like a great way for us to explore that element of the fiction.

So I guess some people have been saying that Bethesda never got what Fallout is and isn't.
Shame he forgot to mention how it fits the setting, he just said it fits 1950's sci fi. :roll:
Though I have noticed then tend to never directly say how it does in previous articles either, merely saying that aliens are awsum so they wanted to have some.
comscar said:
wanamingos were aliens?

I was actually the one that conducted this interview for Polygamia (yes, the pun in the name is very much intended) and I know that wanamingos are not aliens according to the Fallout Bible. However, there has been some speculation that Bethesda might ignore Avellone's Fallout Bible retcon and make them actual aliens, especially given that there are wanamingo concept sketches in the FO3 artbook.
You encounter creatures that look like Wanamingos in random encounters called "Alien Invaders". So Alien were a part of Fallout 2.
The creatures are called "aliens" in-game (according to Avellone, only because people assumed them to be aliens), but not "alien invaders" to my knowledge.
Ausir said:
The creatures are called "aliens" in-game (according to Avellone, only because people assumed them to be aliens), but not "alien invaders" to my knowledge.

I concur. The Encounter info is "A slew of aliens". Not alien invaders.
Not sure about that, I'll look it over when I get to my other computer (which might be next week) regardless an encounter with "alien invaders" or simply "aliens" can imply that aliens are indeed more then just an easter egg in the game.
As I said before, according to Avellone they were genetically engineered by the military, but the people in the wastes called them "aliens" because they did not know where the bastards came from.
The Chosen One talking about "my next save game" in otherwise normal dialogue can imply that they are indeed aware of the fourth wall at all times.
I really hope if they do intend to expand the lore regarding Wanamingos that they don't go with the alien route.
"It came from outer space" is so trite now, an earthly origin is far more mysterious, especially with Fallout's already thick helpings of biological weapons engineered by scientists and generated with weird goo.
Von Drunky said:
That was a special encounter not a random encounter.

Vault City was a special encounter? It wasn't random, I'll grant you that.
When killed by Dr Troy using a rigged autodoc, the Chosen One says, "Now I have to reload! This is so shitty! I'll get you during my next save game." There are probably as many comments like this in Fallout 2 as there are references to aliens in Fallout 1+2, and can thus be used to argue that the Chosen One being aware that he/she is in a computer game is canon.
Oh man thats a great idea for another Fallout 3 DLC: the Lone wounder realizes he/she is in a video game!
They're abducting people and experimenting on them for a reason, and you'll run into the results of some of those experiments.

And the results (documents) are all in english because english is the universal language :crazy: :roll:
I really, really hope that this will be the last DLC like he says. I'm so fucking tired of all the Fallout 3 hype/bullshit about now, I don't even feel compelled to replay the old games since I'm so damn tired of it all.

Please god let us have a breather before New Vegas comes around.