Poll: Favorite "other" color for hero/squaddies?

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Post your favorite "other" color for your hero or squaddies! This is the color of their armoring (aka the 3rd one on the character creation screen in SP/MP).

So far, my fave is yellow. Once you get above leather armors, you look like your metal is gold! Very cool to be a "gold knight" polishing up the scum of the wastes. Okay, bad pun.

White is also pretty cool if you want a silverish look.

Gray just looks like metal. =( Boring.

Those are the three I've tried.

Wish it was possible to change the color of the other squaddies to get a sort of "team" look to them. Especially when you get the Mutants and Deathclaws later on.

I like the light metallic blue, orange, and just because its fun a guy with bright red armor. I think it's funny that a guy looking like a target can run around in sneak mode.
They look different so that you can differentiate them easily in CTB and more quickly in TB. When you start fighting deathclaws, though, CTB just becomes a REALLY STUPID CHOICE.
Same here, I wish you could also choolse your Squad's Color makes it seem like your a real squad in BOS. Anyways, my colour of choice for Armour is Purple right now, makes you look Imperial. That's probably "Gladiator" talking.