Post your favorite "other" color for your hero or squaddies! This is the color of their armoring (aka the 3rd one on the character creation screen in SP/MP).
So far, my fave is yellow. Once you get above leather armors, you look like your metal is gold! Very cool to be a "gold knight" polishing up the scum of the wastes. Okay, bad pun.
White is also pretty cool if you want a silverish look.
Gray just looks like metal. =( Boring.
Those are the three I've tried.
So far, my fave is yellow. Once you get above leather armors, you look like your metal is gold! Very cool to be a "gold knight" polishing up the scum of the wastes. Okay, bad pun.
White is also pretty cool if you want a silverish look.
Gray just looks like metal. =( Boring.
Those are the three I've tried.