

Carbon Dated and Proud
Even Inertplay have posted yet another "Which genre do you like the most" poll, the choices are Cyber Punk, Post Nuclear, Fantasy and Super Hero. So far Post Nuclear is in the lead with 47% over Fantasy with 41%, I'm sure this poll will bring alot of joy to the world... </sarcasm>
Thanks to Nick for informing me about this.
No reason to be cheerful about it. Herve will probably just use this poll as a proof that FO: Piece of Shit is a popular and successful game.
I doubt it would proove much, the game sales would proove everything.. Maybe he has an even more sinister plot..
The poll could be to determine what RPG people most like for interplays new franchise.. Interplays own version of fallout.. :shock:

...or maybe not.
Ratty said:
One look at Herve Caen and the answer is obvious: Inbredplay :twisted:

another good one :D

we should come up with the "The Best of NMA official replacement interplay names" list, we should have enough by now to do a good page full :)
I voted for SUPER HERO...