Post Apoc

Ghetto Goose

It Wandered In From the Wastes

cropped and lightly touched up in PSP7.

Not necessarily done. This is just pencil, not pen.
Doesn't look very post-apoc. Probably because his clothes and shoes are too clean and preserved. This way it's just a guy who tore up a stop sign?

By the way, the sign is red (at least in most parts of the world - can't really know for sure), so if that blotch is blood, it shouldn't be very visible. :)

Other than that, though, it looks pretty good, especially if the guy is just wearing his pants dangerously low. Keep it up pls.
Well, the signs are a bright, reflective red. The blood, especially after sitting on there for awhile and drying, would become much darker.

Now I know it doesn't look too post apoc, but I still need to add details, a background, etc.

But yea, the head's too small/hands too big. Still a bad habit from when I was using a "how to draw superheros" book for all my drawings.
It reminds me of the german hool that killed a cop during the 98 World Cup, using a stop sign.

Seriously, I'd recommend you to sketch from live models/people rather than from books ;)
I didn't do this from a book. I did it "free-style", I guess you'd call it. I had used a book a long while ago to do drawings, but now I just draw from my brainz.

Me + Pencil + Paper = That.