First time out of the vault
My wife only asked for one thing for her birthday this year. She wanted to do a Post-Apocalypse/Zombie Slaying family photo shoot! To that end, I created armor for all of us.
(all photos by Bakan Photography:
There's a bunch of pieces here, so rather than going through one-by-one, here's a list of the materials used to make the costumes:
- Hubcaps
- Railroad crossing sign
- Soda tabs
- Strips of stainless steel
- Various bits of sports equipment
- Jump rings
- Aluminum from duct parts
And here are some pics of our adventures!
She's gonna get 'im
Do you hear that?
Even bears need armor
In the chaos, they turned against each other
On the lookout
The mighty Chevrolet Sword!
The hole he crawled out of
Mother and Daughter
You know what they say.... The family that slays together, stays together.
Special thanks to the super talented Langley West for coming along to play Zombie for us!