Premature ejeculation for skilled gamer....


Vault Senior Citizen

"A third of men are thought to suffer from the condition, which was recently linked to low serotonin levels after an Utrecht University study of 200 Dutch men. The lower serotonin levels stemmed from a certain gene that controls the body's supply of the hormone.

"Premature ejaculation is definitely not purely psychological," Hall explained. "These men [with non-psychological premature ejaculation] have very quick reflexes. They may be excellent at playing tennis or computer games."

The recent study has given researchers hope in their efforts to create specialized drugs that reduce the likelihood of premature ejaculation."

Boy they need a copy of kama sutra, and yoga. :ugly:
Wooz said:
That sheds a new light on Turn-Based Combat.

QFT. Slow down, think about it. Engage in foreplay. Think "Tactically". Always be prepared beforehand. Take your time. Use plenty of stat-altering drugs beforehand if you have low endurance or strength. Never overstep your bounds if you do not have enough action-points. And be sure to level-up beforehand for mighty experience and perks.
Hehe, now I don't feel bad about sucking at Counter-Strike and similar any more :mrgreen: skills weren't that good either..well waddya know !!!'s a good thing after all :crazy:
FUCK YOU. I have good reflexes and I don't have premature ejaculation.


Stupid scientists.
LOL, it has to do with low serotonin levels. Smoke some grass and you'll be fine.
zioburosky13 said:
The recent study has given researchers hope in their efforts to create specialized drugs that reduce the likelihood of premature ejaculation."

Great. All we need is more fucking drugs. And then some more, to reduce side-effects.
Scientists sure know how to spend their time nowadays. Fuck disease, we need to cure premature ejaculations..

Jebus said:
Hehe, now I don't feel bad about sucking at Counter-Strike and similar any more :mrgreen:

My sentiments exactly.. :)
Anyway, combining good reflexes with premature ejaculation based on statistics is pretty far-fetched and a single hormone, anyway. It may be connected or a side-effect of it, but goddamn it, this would mean that doing anything related to training your reflex will make you get premature ejeculation.
No, enhanced reflexes is a side-effect of a low level of serotonin in your brain. Basically, serotonin is the lubricant for your psyche, and causes dreams and random/creative thought patterns that opens up new neuron pathways. Low levels prevent connections to new neuron pathways,causes things to feel dull and dry and impedes learning and higher thought patterns. With more "juice" running though standard neurons you use normally without opening new pathways, your reflexes increase slightly. Also you are more easily agitated and prone to violence. A perfect recipe for todays modern FPS gamers.
Can you guarantee that serotonin is the one and only factor that dictates your reflexes? There could be loads of thing that affect it, like training for example.

Anyway - they conducted research only on a very narrow group of people - 200 people from one country isn't that much. I don't think that without checking this in at least couple of countries this study can be called credible.

In my opinion - these guys play FPS games way too often and got their brain softened.
Ravager69 said:
Can you guarantee that serotonin is the one and only factor that dictates your reflexes? There could be loads of thing that affect it, like training for example.

I didn't say it was, but the research in the study showed low serotonin amounts in the brain dude. I guess the question from this is "Does training/mediocre tasks/violence/ect. lower serotonin volumes in the brain?"
i'm actually quite good at CS...

though no one has complained about my performance (yet?).

i do have fucking high testosterone levels though, maybe that's an offset?
Dopemine Cleric said:
Ravager69 said:
Can you guarantee that serotonin is the one and only factor that dictates your reflexes? There could be loads of thing that affect it, like training for example.

I didn't say it was, but the research in the study showed low serotonin amounts in the brain dude. I guess the question from this is "Does training/mediocre tasks/violence/ect. lower serotonin volumes in the brain?"

My point exactly. :D
You know, being a skilled gamer usually means "not getting some", so one can just get too overly excited when he gets the chance.. Hence the premature ejaculation. :D
Multidirectional said:
You know, being a skilled gamer usually means "not getting some", so one can just get too overly excited when he gets the chance.. Hence the premature ejaculation. :D
talk about stereotypes...
Go read Bonk.


Most women don't have vaginal orgasms anyway. Intercourses are usually meant to make men feel good/and make children. A lot of women report that intercourses any longer than 20-25 mins as painful.

If it really bothers you(here are some tips from doctors), 1. do Kegel work outs, 2. beat one off before the actual act, 3. double-triple bag your condoms, 4. find a loving girlfriend/wife who is willing to do a cowgirl position to work through your problem, 5. drink lots of coffee and stay up fro a while.

Working out will probably also help, since it is all about the blood flow anyway. If you can't do any of these, just make sure you do cunnilingus long enough on your lady for her to orgasm first, so she doesn't complain.
3. double-triple bag your condoms
Ehm, this is a pretty bad idea. Doing this increases the chance of the condoms rupturing significantly due to friction between the condoms.

So, if you don't care about that go for it.