Pressgang Problems


First time out of the vault
Well i have been playing Fallout 2 for a while now and was heading towards completeing it again, this time with a melee fighter, i svae every now and then. So i was going near SF and got caught up in a pressgang attack, knowing pressgangs have nasty weapons i decided to save in a whole new slot, unfortunatly i accidently saved in my last slot, my bad :wink:. No problem i thought, i can handle these, unfortuantly after about 30 attempts i relaised i cannot, what can i do to escapre them? I am levenl 19 and have a power fist, i will make this a mega one when i get to :cry:
Get Falche. Back up your save. Give yourself a million AP. Run to the exit grid. Save and return your AP to its previous level.
Ok i did that and i escaped! Thanks Per, i now have a cool mega power fist and losts of energy cells! muahhahaa!!!