Probably won't happen but this is the only way....

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They way I see things is, if Interplay wanted to do something with Fallout online, they would essentially have to make 2 different games. An "online" version of the game, and a single player. While having *A* (meaning one!) online version of Fallout that would be similar but different of course to a single player version would be alright, but not needed. The online version would have to be strictly based around multiplayer. The singleplayer version would, in turn, deal with 1 PC.

Like I said, this probably won't happen, but in my mind this is the only way Interplay would be able to accomplish multiplayer. Again, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.
That is an awesome idea. People would be mad if they put it all in one game, like that little argument with roshambo and frost, but noone would be mad with two different games for multiplayer and just the game.

My personal preference is single player. I still haven't found a multiplayer game that would suck me in as many single-player ones did.

Therefeore, a "Fallout OnLine" would be complete anathema for me. Why? This would mean dividing the available resources, and yet they haven't even started on FO3. So please concentrate on FO3 and forget about any "online" crap.

The second multi-player kind of game would be something like what Baldur's Gate had, i.e. the same game world with the same quests etc. as the single player one. I would like to try this out, because then I could play with a couple of my friends (not a deathmatch, a cooperative game), create a party of specialists for the different tasks ahead and have a blast together. This might be, however, pretty difficult to implement correctly, and I'd prefer that they lose no time over it.

In any case, FO3 single player has the highest priority. Please, Black Isle, don't get bullied by the suits from Marketing and make Fallout 3 into a 3D Online Action Shooter Real Time Strategy Crap.

If the suits win this one, we'll end up with "Fallout 3: Deathclaw Hunter" on our hands :-(
No FOOL!!! Why?? Because then you'll have all these little kiddies who play UO or EverQuest in order to show off their l33t skillz plaguing the game!!

Then you'll see people talking like this...

"Y0 d00d ..I g0t5 50m3 bad a55 loot fr0m that RP3'r ...hahaha ..Im S000000 l33t..."

Also some people who haven't heard of the original Fallout (are there any left other than tribesmen deep with the rainforest??????) will think that FOOL is the whole shebang as far as FO is concerned ...then all possibility for sequels for the game will DIE a horrible ROTTING death ...we dont want that now do we???????

Any Fallout multiplayer that still is FALLOUT, and not TACTICS or FPS or ARENA and so on - will be purchased by me in 500 copies.

Of course, the best option is the FALLOUT SINGLE PLAYER PLAYED BY MANY PEOPLE OVER MULTIPLAYER game will be the best thing, but a small scale fallout multiplayer as a TRY - to see how it goes and how people like it so in feedback they can see if they should make a big full multiplayer game - will also be ok.

Most people resist to any multiplayer fallout as they say - " I WANT ONLY TURN-BASED BATTLE" , and when people say - "what's wrong with a turn-based multiplayer?" they say:
"people can escape before dying, they can stop the game in the middle and ruin it all for you"
but hey, what the fuck?
With whom are you playing? the Diablo community? with a group of 10,000 users?
This is the FALLOUT community, there are only 2,3 major fan-sites and most of the big boards and most of the users go to them only.
If someone will quit before dying, or abuse the turn-base, then he will ruin the fun of himself as well, and i doubt any FALLOUT player will do that, but say he does, you can just ignore him, or you can just get to know people, and play with them only.
Like say I know my friend, and then we meet some guy in the MAIN CHAT, and we find out he's cool, then we won't worry about him abusing the turn-

In ANY multiplayer you can meet idiots, jerks, cheaters and people who quit before dying, PKs, thieves and so on...
But this just makes the game more fun.
This what brings to CLANS and such...

This will be a very short battle, for the IDIOTS will be a very small group, or it won't exist at all.

People who took the time and payed the money to play Fallout are GENERALLY more clever and better gamers than the DIABLO, or REAL-TIME ACTION-PACKED games as people described them.
I doubt a real idiot who is able to abuse turn-based had bought Fallout, or took the time to play such a complex game (relatively :) )

About TIME.
Indeed, multiplayer may SLOW down the FO3 if they work on it the same time, and if they started FO3 right after FO2, we would now probably already saw a demo of FO3 and it would have been published this year or the next one, and a multiplayer would have been possible.
So, instead of doing the multiplayer exactly the same time as the FO3, and assuming it won't be connected to FO3, they can publish it - YEARS later as far is im concerned, and make it:
"FALLOUT FOREVER" or something, and make it a big multiplayer game with full story, weapons, NPCs and features.

Then sell Fallout licenses to whoever wants them and we will see F04, FO5, and so on...
I bought this game by mistake, and this was the best mistake i have ever done.

I'm aware of the sad fact though, that with time, the FALLOUTs will become more and more like the other games in the market, and in the future will look less like Fallout and more like some Simulator.

3D sux.
It's like the difference between a comic book, and a cartoon movie.
IT's like the difference between a PC, and a palm pilot.
Duh, not all new stuff in thecnology and "improved stuff" are bad, but most of them, today, are.
At least the ones connected to multimedia, gaming, interface, and so on...
Windows 95 was Ok, it was even kinda nice, inspite of the crashes here and there
Windows 98 is complex, ever-crushing, and annoying
windows 2000 is EWWWWACH.

It's like the difference between the GODFATHER1, and Godfather 2.
Or, the difference between BACK TO THE FUTURE 1&2, to 3.

And it began in FO2.
Duh, it was an excellent game, and i NEEDED IT.
But the interface (the bottom control bar) was ugly, compared to the first.
The changes were slight, but it made it look more like a tunebox than a rusty control panel.
The music in the begining, was NOTHING compared to the VERY catchy and MATCHING tune of "maybe".
Some parts in the game just seemed bad.
Fallout 1 was PERFECT, it just lacked a bigger world, and that, FO2 had.
I wish, tho i know it won't be, FO3 to be like FO1, only HUGE and with a completely different plot. make the main character the lost and SEPERATED brother/sister of the original FO1 char, and make him come from Vault 34 or come from a town, or a tribe/clan.

Make his quest completely different.
No longer a huge threat and a big prob, but make his quest, FOR ONCE, about HIMSELF or not related to saving his home, and THE WHOLE AREA from a big threat.
For example, make him discover that he has a brother/sister , and he will go search for them.
He doesn't know where to start, so he goes out to the wasteland, leaving his home - and going to find clues.
Then in the end, he finds arroyo and his brother/sister becomes your NPC.
Then you go NORTH, to north-west USA, and play the 2nd half of the game.

You could just GO.. you say: "father, it is time... i am an adult now, and im sick of staying at this boring town. It is time for me to discover the wasteland."
And you go out, when only given a small map, with like 3 cities marked on it.
You can choose to go to any of them, and the one you choose, will set your main path.
THIS WAY, you have 3 main ways of playing the game, and each of them will have some end, and when you finish one, you can try the other 2!!!
anywhen, again, I've written way too much :)

Klayhamn - ThieFoRent
Gosh People!!

I was just say *IF* Interplay were to make Fallout a Single and Multiplayer game they would have to essentially make TWO different games.... I wasn't saying I wanted that! I think the idea of multiplayer is good....JUST NOT FOR FALLOUT!

and people who will say "hey im so l33t" will be IGNORED and OUTCASTED by the "original" Fallout community.
YOU choose who you play with.
Play with your friends.
Have each person become LISTED with an ID number in some Interplay server, and then you can make yourself a "BUDDY LIST" of people you know and trust.
Then no one can fake his identity, because his NUMBER will be written on Fallout server, and he will register to it with his NICK NAME, PASSWORD, AND DISC SERIAL NUMBER.

'Kiddies' can come to THESE boards as well.
But what do you do when you see someone unwanted?
1. ignore him
2. kick him out when possible

So you can do this in the multiplayer.
You dont AVOID making a multiplayer game just because of some jerks, like you won't AVOID MAKING A COUNTRY just because there are killers, theives and so on...
EVIL and STUPIDTY IS EVER-RESIDENT, but only the ones who surrender to it, suffer from its power.

My gaming fun will not be harmed by some tiny idiots.
Fallout multiplayer shall live!

Klayhamn - ThieFoRent
Ok...this topic has completely left the main point I was get


That tends to happen alot whenever multiplayer fallout is coming up. I've seen many discussions about it. I'll just say that I haven't seen one non hack 'n slash CRPG that supports multiplayer and makes it worth playing. I'm sceptical about multiplayer in good RPGs. Allthough Vampire: The masquerade is looking promising. Maybe multiplayer in fallout wouldn't be so bad if there was a gamemaster mode included into the game.
RE: Heh.

Just in case you didnt know....Vampire has officially gone *drum roll please* GOLD!!!!!! Now to pay off some bills ....Goodbye social life when I get VtM! :-)