Problem in San Francisco


First time out of the vault
Ok, I am running the 1.05 unofficial patch for Fallout 2. I didn't know if this was the mod or the game so I'm just posting here. At the beginning of Fallout 2, I went to San Fran to do the Brotherhood Navarro quest. Anyway, I'm near the end of the game and am finely back. But one of the two martial arts fighters- the one who isn't The Dragon...Lao Pan? Or something like that. He's in the ring. All the time. And I can't talk to him. And I think you are supposed to be able to. Any way to fix this?
This bug is not associated with the patch. The reason for Lo Pan staying in the ring is your triggering the dialogue sequence between Lo Pan and the Dragon (by approaching the ring) and exiting the map very quickly before their conversation is over. This leaves Lo Pan trapped in the ring forever. Have you done perhaps so? If you have, the only option to get to speak with Lo Pan is to reload.

Also, this belongs in the Fallout Tech & Gameplay...