Problem with Kane and the Hightower quest


First time out of the vault

I'm having a bit of trouble in Fallout 1 with Kane and the mission where I have to kill Darren Hightower, i think it is.
Basically i can go off and kill Hightower and the people in that area fine, but when I go back to speak to Kane he refuses to go into conversation with me, and after 4 times trying to speak to him he'll attack me.

I tried reloading to before i accepted the quest, and spoke to him, and I could go through and accept the quest from Decker normally, but then i'd thought i'd try talking to Kane immediatly after...but he still attacks me after 3 attempts to speak with him.

I'm not sure whats wrong here, or what I'm doing wrong, as the guy doesnt want to talk to me at any point of the quest, not at the beginning, not at the end.

I am mightily confused and would appreciate any help possible on this subject, thank you.
Taken from Per's Guide to Fallout:

If you turn down a job from Decker, he'll kick you out and Kane will attack if you try to talk to him three times.

If you attack either of the Hightowers but leave the map without killing them, the rest of the outfit will disappear and Kane will be pissed. (Luckily they forget to pack the Necklace.) If you do this before getting the quest from Decker, you'll still get the quest but be unable to finish it. If you kill both Hightowers before talking to Kane, you won't get either of Decker's quests.
Thanks for the quick reply.

I've also used that guide, and read that passage myself, trying to find out why i had this problem.

But, i know i have accepted the quest, and I've gone off and killed the 2 Hightowers (and everyone else in that Hightower area thats hostile to me), and then returned quest complete as such, but Kane refuses to talk to me and then tries to kill me.

Also, would there be any reason if immediatly after i accept the quest (without even going to the Hightower area), that Kane wouldnt speak to me and try and attack? I mean literally when the conversation with Decker to accept the quest finishes (and i accept), Kane just will not talk to me and then attacks me.
Is that normal?

Thanks for the help.
I don't know. Really I never had any Kane-Hightower problems. I just talked to Kane, he said I killed Gizmo in Junktown, then he I've accepted the job from Decker and killed everyone in the Heights. Then I've returned and Kane was happy with my performance. So was Decker. What is your karma? Did you killed Gizmo or Killian in Junktown?
I had that once. Never could figure out why. BUT you may want to try to not have a weapon in your hand. I think that that may be part of the problem...

PS: Neither karma, nor Junktown have anything to do with it. I've done that quest almost every single time I've played Fallout, and that's a lot of different combinations. ;) I know for certain that it's not who you kill in Junktown, though.
I've definately not got a weapon in my hand at any time i speak to him, and i did kill Gizmo in Junktown, i think it was Kane who seemed quite please i did that.

I've almost decided to ignore this quest and kill Hightower and everyone there anyway, then going to police and killing Kane and Decker...if they dont want anything to do with me, then they can die.

At work though, so cant play Fallout, this makes me sad.