problem with linking .msg with .int


First time out of the vault
It's me again...

What I have to do to link .msg file with .int file? I made some scripts and msg files. I named .int and .msg files same and put them in correct directories (data/scripts and data/text/english/dialog) but it doesn't work.

[sorry for bad English, huh]

(were making new mod for FO2, which replaces all maps, characters, scripts and story and we have some trouble with doing it. I think I'll post on forum often. In short time English version of our mod site will be published. Now you can visit Polish version of this page at:
If you speak Polish, ofkorrrz :)
you have to put the name of the script into the script.h file ( in the editor\scripts\headers folder ) before you compile, and put the
#define NAME      SCRIPT_scriptname
in the ssl before you compile it.

You also need to put the name of the script into the file named scripts.lst in the scripts folder..

these things link the .msg file to the .int file...


The patch000.dat overides anything in the fallout2\data directories, so your scripts.lst file will not be read if the patch000.dat is present..
Im using noid's compiler, so I dont have to use scripts.h. And I modified scripts.lst. I can use my scripts in mapper, but when playing .msg files don't work.
Example: I change bselev script, then I saved it as wldoor1. Next I modified scripts.lst. Next I put in text/english/dialog file called wldoor1.msg. And this file dooesn't work, but when I renamed this file to bselev.msg everything works correctly. Why?
cos it's looking for the msg file named bselev.msg as it was defined in the first place as SCRIPT_BSELEV in the scripts.h file...

and then defined in the ssl with the


so it must save the name of the .msg file somewhere internally in the script..

since i don't use noids i can't be any more specific, except to say if you use the official compiler and do it the way i said, it works..

did you change the name define to that of your new scripts
name?? or the next number in the script.lst ( which is what it would reference the .msg file by.. ?? )

I'm goin out on a limb here.. but in the scripts.h file, it assigns a number to the name that you use in the "define NAME" bit,
which would be used to reference the script in the script.lst file, and in turn to look for the name of the .msg file listed in the scripts.lst at the numbered location in the list...

if you forgot to change the number defined by the "define NAME" bit in the script, although it would have it's own number as assigned by the scripts.lst, it would reference a different line number in the list and thus a different named .msg file....