Problem with the door in trials, that needs to be bombed


First time out of the vault
..It doesn't take any damage? It says after the bomb has gone off: The door didn't even take a scratch...

It's the door after all the traps etc.

I just installed the unofficial mod and now this happens and I can't seem to locate this particular problem anywhere else on this forum?

Sorry if it's already solved, but I have really tried to look everywhere for an solution.

Thanks in advance! :)


In Megamod

[spoiler:ca7637feb4]might be the one that opens by dropping the stone on the plate.[/spoiler:ca7637feb4]
It's door nr. 3, before the final trial. You can't lockpick it and just before it, there's the vase which contains the bomb.
The "mod" is actually:
killap's Fallout 1.02+ ( English Patch - (Manual Install)

Sorry for not being more specific.

Thanks for the help! :)