Problems with Fallout 2 and win98


First time out of the vault
Well I decided to play Fallout 2 on my newer machine and retire my old P2 200 and installation works fine, It's just that as soon as the intro movies are done the thing closes and informs me that Fallout 2 caused an invalid page fault in Kernel32.dll anybody know a way to fix this? even after I patched it it still refuses to work.
I have a similar problem. When I am doing the mini-quest in NCR with the slavers i can go through 1 or 2 turns of combat before i get the same error message. does anyone know a way to stop this happening? will this be fixed in patch 1.05?
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This seems to be more of a system problem, than a software problem. It seems that the program doesn't want to run on Win98, I run it on XP and have no problems whatsoever. Maybe an upgrade is in order?
I dunno, Dove...

Although people could be having oddball system problems here and there, I've been running all the Fallout games on 98 SE (probably for too long now), and have yet to encounter any difficulties. Strictly using the Interplay patches and going with the max installation on the games hasn't been a problem either. It all runs smoothly. I wish I could offer more in the way of troubleshooting, but I know less about operating systems than Capitol Hill does about politics.
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The same problem was occuring with a friend here in brazil... he was using a Copy of fallout 2, not the original... when he buyed the original, the game works fine...