Problems with HexWorkshop and DATMANL

Madmax and the Mutant

First time out of the vault
Hello people, really sorry if there is a post about this, if so i couldnt find it,

Right just started to (try) and mod some F2, howver when i try and extract the master.dat with DATMANL.exe i get an error message reading;

"RunTime Error '429', Active X Componeant cant create object"

It does actually extract the file to the specified directory, but when i open the .pro file in HexWorkshop all the values are set to 0000

Just wondered if anyone has a fix for this.

Many Thanks in advance guys if you can shed some light on this
Cool, cheers mate, ill take another look tonight,
I managed to open one of the pro files up, changed some of the values like advised on the guide but when i put the pro file back into its original folder and play the game the changes are not saved, do i need to "re-pack" the dat file?

Thanks for the help by the way its really appreciated