problems with NCR


First time out of the vault
hello i just started playing FO2 again and i have a few questions... first off i installed the game on winxp with no problems so im not sure if the error could of been because of that... but i noticed that whenever i go to NCR, i wont have a weapon equipped and the guard outside the city and the cops in the downtown area wont say anything. but then right when i get near the zone to go to tandi, or if i go directly to the zone, the cops will auto attack me. this doesnt make sense because ive already recieved the vault 15 quest and finished it etc and they didnt attack me then... its only certain cops that attack me. i have nfi whats wrong... tried patching etc nothing seems to work. thanks for any help

oh ya... and also i feel like merchants arent showing their full inventories to me when i speak to them, like for ex buster in the ncr bazaar, the weapons guy in reno, and some of the merchants in broken hills...

is my install just buggy or what?
No, you just don't really know how to play the game.

Remember that your companions are also not allowed to brandish weapons inside the city, and that specifically Goris' claws count as a weapon as well.

Also, no, you're not getting the full inventory of some stores because the inventory is spread over all the tables and shelves the merchants have. So click on the tables and shelves and the merchant will initiate bartering with that part of the inventory.
Check that your companions don't have any "unarmed" weapons equipped either, like brass knuckles or a power fist. You have to either take away all their unarmed weapons and then switch them to unarmed, or use the "Ask you about your equipment" then "Make sure you aren't carrying any weapons" dialog options.

Also, IIRC the guards will still attack if you aren't actually wielding a weapon, but are carrying it in your alternate slot. Both slots need to be empty.

Did you do something like use repair on the force field generators and then run away before those guards could attack you?

Beyond that, maybe it's a bug. I've seen several instances of NPCs going hostile seemingly because of a bug. For example, the prison guard in Broken Hills would always minigun me randomly while I was walking by on the street, and the Unwashed Villagers in the spammer encounter were hostile after I saved-reloaded in that encounter when they were not hostile before I loaded.
heh... i dont really know how to play the game... :( that hurts.

fyi im playing a solo HtH char through the complete game so party members arent a problem ^^

i fixed it with a reinstall... i installed it with a dl'd version b/c i couldnt find my cd, but then i just used my brothers and everythings working fine now. thanks for the reply