Problems with party member VIC!


First time out of the vault
Ok, have this "little" problem with "Trader Vic". When I try to speak to him he wont let me, just says "I`ve had it up to here" that`s all. Cant get inside NCR `cause Vic`s got his weapon ready all the time and I cant tell him to put it away. So what should I do, is there any solution to this dilemma?

sounds like probably dont have killaps patch you got the "Vic apathy" bug. i never had any prolonged gameplay with him in this state because i would always load my last savegame. if you really want to keep him, try this, leave your other party members elsewhere and knock Vic uncouscious, loot his weapons and leave the map and return.

if all else fails and you want to enter NCR put the bastard out of his misery :twisted:, you can have marcus or lenny anyway :wink: