Procedurally/random generated Fallout?


First time out of the vault
Hello everybody.

I've been thinking of a mod, that might make FO/FO2 interesting again - not to say that FO is boring, infact its my favorite game, but it does loose some edge after the ~20th playthrough.

I've recently been playing some games of the genre "Rogue-like's" (after the mid-80's game Rogue), including Spelunky and Binding of Isaac - what these games do, is generate random gamelevels, stat upgrades and other things in order to make each game different from one another. Let me try and explain how this could possibly transfer into a FO mod:

  • Each game would start with a base character - this character always has the same stats, to avoid people "re-rolling". This character would be something like 5/5/5/5/5/5/5 (in terms of SPECIAL) with no tagged skills or traits.

    When the player gains a level, the game automaticly add's 25% to a randomly chosen skill - the same goes for perks, every 3rd level.

    Shops/lockers/NPC's and other ways of obtaining items has a much deeper item pool to draw from - totally randomly generated (i.e, you can no longer retrieve the same steady bounty from the sheriff of Redding etc.)

    Karma/reputation and NPC alignments should somehow be randomly picked for the player.

Let's see if we can build a real concept for a mod here, maybe we can even get some modders opinion on how something like this could be achieved?
Each game would start with a base character - this character always has the same stats, to avoid people "re-rolling". This character would be something like 5/5/5/5/5/5/5 (in terms of SPECIAL) with no tagged skills or traits.

When the player gains a level, the game automaticly add's 25% to a randomly chosen skill - the same goes for perks, every 3rd level.

Player customization is, what, 50% of what makes Fallout or any other RPG fun?

Shops/lockers/NPC's and other ways of obtaining items has a much deeper item pool to draw from - totally randomly generated (i.e, you can no longer retrieve the same steady bounty from the sheriff of Redding etc.)

I'm working on something similar to this (just randomizing gear at the moment) and it's almost finished. Not sure what your example has to do with this though: I'm fairly sure the bounties get created out of thin air script-wise, they're not in the character's inventory.

Karma/reputation and NPC alignments should somehow be randomly picked for the player.

Again, what's the point of an already underused reputation/karma system if you randomize it as well? Also, I'm not sure what you mean with "npc alignments", other than whether they're pro-slavery, etc. (even then, what sense would an anti-slavery Metzger make other than doing something slightly weird?).[/quote]
I realize this mod would deminish the roleplaying aspect of FO, as in building your own character, but personally I find it hard to do Fallout runs that vastly different from previous runs - like, I'll boost Unarmed cause I like fighting in New Reno and SF, or I'll tag Speech and boost IN cause I want all the dialogue options.

This mod would force you into aspects of the game, that you might not have experienced before - and though it might not be the ultimate Fallout experience (cause obviously, that would be the first times you played through it the normal way) it will definatly be different, and also it'll be a challenge to complete the game, which - in my case anyways - it hasn't been for a long time.

Also, dude, your being a little pesimistic aren't you? But, maybe this is just not your kinda thing which is ofcourse perfectly alright :)
I'm being negative because I think that roguelikes depend on two elements which you can't get (or at least, enough of) with Fallout, namely (1) a combat system complex enough to stand on its own without all the regular RPG-elements giving it purpose and (2) the ability to randomly generate enough complexity to make it worthwhile fighting your way through it.

But like I said, I agree with you that randomly generated loot is more fun than the same stuff every playthrough (though I think you'd also need a better system for looting containers in people's homes which actually requires thieving skill).
Good idea since what ever the skill is you can beat the game by various way. but problem is that you might loss lots of events since lots of events needs various amount of SPECIAL.
except that, it would be interesting idea.
if the skill that didn't it worth raises, that have to use it to solve situations well.. great!
but how about if the skill raised nothing but only first aid increase? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I think it's impossible to beat whole game with bandage.
@Languorous_Maiar there is definatly no talk about a "generated world" - this mod would be inside the world of either FO or FO2 (yeah, problably 2 since it's larger) - just tweaking the enviroment. no new content needs to be created.

@woo1108, I thought about that too - maybe some kind of system, where you will have 40% chance of getting a combat skill boost, 30% of getting speech/repair/science/lockpick and 10% of getting some of the more useless skills like gambling (and maybe these would be raised by 50% rather than 20% so you can actually take real advantage of it).
there is definatly no talk about a "generated world" - this mod would be inside the world of either FO or FO2 (yeah, problably 2 since it's larger) - just tweaking the enviroment. no new content needs to be created.
That's why I said, FO1/Fo2 are to small.
Most skills are uselles, and such system can't work propely.
most skills aren't useless - a few are. and if you look at the example of distrubuting the skillpoints each time you earn a level, you'll see that it's definatly possible to beat the game, but for the most time you won't have the option to do it as you usually do and exploit as much as normally, that's why it would be a challenge.
Another cool option would be a stand-alone Fallout dungeon crawler mod, fighting your way from the bottom, to the top of a vault.

Entering as a low level base character, first level would be filled with rats and scorpions, with a boss at the end of the level (like the Rat King) - when you beat the boss, you gain an item (like a 10mm pistol or a leather armor) and you gain a level, and can distrubute the skill points yourself.

Second level would be molerats and mantis and tribals - boss could be the guy you fight at the end of the Temple of Trials. Item-tier around Spiked Knuckles or a Laser Pistol)

through 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th

and 7th level, by this time you have 175 skillpoints distrubuted and hopefully some good items. enemies could be Enclave/´BoS/super mutants with Frank Horrigan at the end.

I imagine a run would take around an hour..

Yeah, and we are way off the original Fallout storyline and gameplay now - this would be a standalone, total conversion kind of thing - like Wasteland Merc