Programming books


Vault Fossil
As I know we've a lot of comp sci majors and plain geeks on this forum, I thought it'd be the best place to ask a question about programming.

So I've recently gone through the Deitel How to program books for both Java and C++ and am interested in delving deeper into C++. The book taught me multiclassing, streams, and data structures. I'm interested in going further into a more graphical form (I haven't used any sort of graphical user interface) and so was looking at books on developing graphics engines but am leery on how much of a jump that would be.

Do you guys know any good books for the intermediate programmer to further learning of C++? Also, what would be a good book to make the transition into graphical programming and hopefully full fledged engine development?

Also, does anyone know of a good open source engine in C++ available for free? I heard the quake 3 engine was being released but haven't found it yet.

Thanks for all the info.
I went to Barnes and noble yesterday to peek through all the various books they had. Have you ever read... 3D Game Engine Architecture: Engineering Real-Time Applications with Wild Magic by David Eberly?

Was going to pick it up but I didn't feel like laying down another 70-80 dollars on a book so I might hold off a ways. I'll have to look up Wrox's books. Thanks