Project Arroyo - Total conversion


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Staff member
Some modders are involed in yet another total conversion project. This time the attempt is to remake Fallout 2 in the Fallout 4 engine. Since it's possible to bring back skills and traits into Fallout 4 that engine might not be so bad.

There's an article about it here. Keep in mind that there already is another attempt at recreating Fallout 2 as a New Vegas mod.
We don't consider modding a competition, so best of luck to them. The projects will likely turn out to be very different in design anyway.

And best of luck to you all! We agree modding isn't a competition. I hope we can both do wonderful work, and really do a justice for this Fallout community.
Yet another Fallout Remake mod that I have no idea if it's still alive and kicking!
I hope these mods aren't dead, I'm actually curious to see how these modders will recreate these games in Fallout 4's graphics.
IMO at least!
Those locations look great! Nice find. Happy to see that they are still working on it.
I had thought this project was dead, glad to see it's still kicking. I do wonder what the progress is like on this project however as some of the locations shown off look nice but a bit empty and it's been years since we got any real update on their Discord. Very nice to see regardless, the project lead of this mod is also the project lead for the Sonora English localization.
the project lead of this mod is also the project lead for the Sonora English localization.
That didn't turn out very well, others had to do it themselves, with the help of AI. However that dude probably had too much on his table from the looks of it.
However that dude probably had too much on his table from the looks of it.
He's absolutely spread thin, that's for sure. He's the project lead of both Sonora and Project Arroyo as well as a co-project lead of the Fallout 4: New Vegas remake, and on the dev team for the Fallout Capital Wasteland remake. He might be involved in even more, but that's all I know.