>I need you to ask 2
>questions about your problem with
>do you have an AMD chip?
>(if not, what?)
>are you using Fine Tune?
Yes, this is very important since I am now getting the same errors with TMS products as Psycho Addict (I never got them before I installed Fine Tune, and I have even reformatted both of my hard drives and I still get errors). Please respond!
>>{Admins, please don't consider this spam
>>or off-topic or whatever. I'm
>>using this board because I
>>don't have a way of
>>talking him privately!}
>If you're going to do this,
>do it in your Mod
>forum. The FAME question
>is a *MOD* question.
>Don't do this again.
>I need you to ask 2
>questions about your problem with
>do you have an AMD chip?
>(if not, what?)
>are you using Fine Tune?
>Also, would you please give me
>either your e-mail or ICQ
># (if you have), so
>we can keep this conversation.
Err, I'm pretty computer-stupid.. I don't know what those things are, if I have them, Or how to check for them... So if you'll let me know...
And my e-mail address is AcidzFetish@aol.com
"I guess I just prefer to see the dark side of things..
The glass is always half empty....and cracked..
And I just cut my lip on it... and chipped a tooth.."