[QuestHack] Would it help anyone if If I wrote a tutorial fo


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
Would it help anyone if If I wrote a tutorial for making Arc

Would it help anyone if If I wrote a tutorial for making Arcanum levels??

Would it?

I've just spent a week figuring out how to use most parts of the editors and so on as well as making dialog and using the script editor. If I wrote a small 'decent' tutorial giving FULL details on how to make your own adventures would anyone be interested?

Moo.... Moo... I'm a Interplay Brahmin.
Yes, it certainly would

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RE: Yes, it certainly would

Okay then. I'll see what I can do. It might take some time (maybe 2-3 weeks) because I am working on my own mod as I go. A mod that just keeps getting bigger and bigger and may take me three months (full time) to finish to a standard even remotely what I want. But I'll try and make something simple that shows how to do some of the more tricky stuff. Creating dialog from scratch, A simple Quest (get this and give it to so and so etc...), how to make lights, give descriptions, teleports and so on. Some of the stuff that took me hours to figure out.

Moo... Moo... I'm an Interplay Brahmin.
RE: Yes, it certainly would

I'd appreciate it too, since I'm going to be working on a couple of mods. One for sure.

Also, a question you might be able to answer...can you have a world map of sorts, or more than one map in a mod? If so, great. If not, like how some unfamiliar to the editor are worrying, dammit.
RE: Yes, it certainly would

>>"can you have a world map of sorts, or more than one map in a mod?"<<

If you want a world map ala Arcanum style where you click on the blue globe and travel that way.... No. (Well, there might be a way but no-one's found it yet and there are a few people who say it can't be done so I guess its still an open question.)

But.. As far as having multiple maps is concerned. Yes. I mean you can have a city/town with a passage that connects into a dungeon. The dungeon would be a seperate map. You can then have a few levels in the dungeon which would all be seperate maps that are linked by passages. But... The only way to travel to other places seems to be by passages. No Global World Map as such.

So.. for example let's say you had two different cities. You start of in City A. To get to City B you might have to talk to someone who might say "Yes, come with me." and ZAP there you are at City B. Or you might travel on a ship etc...

I'm trying to whizz up a simple little tutorial to make a map with a building and a passage somewhere else. But... I'm kind of doing this inbetween my own mod. Whenever I have 'Writers Dialog Block' or 'Mappers Block' I work on the tutorial.

My favourite Arcanum quote,
"They'd better be, or we're all in for a bit of trouble."
- What the 'Chosen One' says to Nasrudins' "I hope your gods are with you" Comment.
RE: Yes, it certainly would

Euh, no big thing about the world map. As you've said, it can be worked around.

One of the MAIN things I'm looking to do is make a murder-mystery that would be different depending on the way you play...grunt gets one way, diplomat gets another, thief gets yet another, etc.. The areas are a giant (agreed, cliche) mansion, a police station, and various other areas of note.

Another one is a darker world feel to things, almost a Fallout-like grimness. Should be interesting to give it a try.

Anyways, look forward to your tutorials, and I'm requesting a forum special for NMA over at T-A.com for our needs. That way, we can go completely to Fallout again here, and direct people over as needed. I need to set things up over there first, and such, plus reply to a long backlog of email, etc....

Feel free to send your tutorials to rosh@gamestats.com, I'd like to take a look at them, even if in progress.
RE: Yes, it certainly would

I saw something on a T-A forum about making worldmaps, but it was a bit technical, so I skipped it.
RE: Yes, it certainly would

What's the web address for this T-A forum???

Also Rosh: E-mailed you part 1 and 2 at rosh@gamestats.com. But Part 2 is on my site now and is waaaay better than what I e-mailed you.

Mooooo...... Mooo......... I will buy anything from Interplay... Mooo......