Question about Fallout 1 Manual ?


First time out of the vault
Hey everyone.

I have a question regarding the information in Fallout 1 Manual (which you could see here:'s_Survival_Guide#RobCo_Pip-Boy_2000)

I was curious , but due to my lack of studying Physics enough, is the information about the Nuclear Bombs blast effect correct ?

I swear I didn't understand half of the things said there, and then I got interested t osee if it's real, because it looks kinda educational.

Thanks in forward.
It looks roughly correct, although I'm not sure about their figures. I don't recall hearing about a "Rule of 7s" when I did NBC training, but I wasn't in an MOS where dealing with long-term fallout was a primary concern. I'm guessing they probably pulled the information from old military or civil defense documentation, or maybe the High Energy Archive.