Well it's good to know there are tools to achive such stunts, though, I'd prefer to do such stunts ingame, by manner of ingame scripts, rather than, save editing.
I know Neither Fo2 engine games weren't designed for large party, I assume Sonora was actually ment to be played solo. You usually get one measly radscorp as random enemies. though the number increses as party grows. at 5 party npcs You usually encounter 3 to 4 large radscorps, and that's more exp. so it's nice to roam wit a bigger party, despite the fact, that they rarely get a chance to shoot at anything. I usually tackle most if not all mobs in random encounters myself in first round. After Dayglow when one can have *even* more Turboplasmas to equip his teammates with ( that's by Fo2MechanicsMiniRework so they have decent combat skill levels, plus some heavy perk sharing from sfall-mods.ini), and they suddenly become decent in kill speed..
Though as you said.. no need for that, Party is mostly only there so that the "meh" encounters give more exp.
however it would be really nice for the sake of completionism to be able to have all companions enlisted, as of right now at least one or two will have to be skipped.